View Full Version : Alcohol and Drug Abuse after T2K

01-21-2010, 08:16 PM
pmulcahy 09-27-2003, 09:52 PM Not to make what would be a dark situation even more dark, but do you think alcohol and drug abuse would increase after the world goes up in smoke, or would it go down because everyone is so concerned with just staying alive?


Rochkano 09-27-2003, 10:25 PM I think it would go up big time. People would try to escape from reality. Alcohol abuse would be most common (as it would be the most commonly available). The other drugs would depend on what could be grown/produced locally. There would also be a thriving trade in the transportation of drugs (supply and demand). Those area with some form of government would ban them, though many local officials would turn a blind eye (especially when bribed with things like food/fuel). I think the ones that would be the harshest on those caught with drugs would be the remaining military cantonments/areas with a strong military presence.


TR 09-28-2003, 10:34 AM Oh yes... definately... Moonshiners would be everyhwere making hootch for sale or trade to people wanting to forget their problems.

"Drug labs" would be done by those with resources, it would not be impossibile... some drugs are like weeds now growing wild in some states so many would just harvest those and sell their excess.

I think this sort of thing would cause big headaches for Civgov and Milgov... the resources lost because of people and their addictions would be a loss they could ill afford. You would see very draconian laws enforced on drug laws, possession, manufacturing, selling, etc.

Until Later



jester770 09-28-2003, 11:34 AM I think I made a post similiar to thois one in another group. Yes it would go up big time. Also, you would have alot of people who were given drugs <when they were available> after being wounded. The end result a good number do become addicted when they started taking meds for medical reasons.

Here is another twwist. What about the various ruling powers giving drugs to their troops. Remember the GO pills that came to light recently pilots take?

The Germans in the battle of france actualy gave speed to their troops. I have read accounts that in WWII it was given to paratroops as well.

Then we have various stories of working on the wonderdrug to make perfect soldiers. The movie Jacobs laddder comes to mind.

So, would agencies like the CIA or some other agency the DIA or even an unknown agency be responsible for creating some supper pill that blinds the men to human feeling so they can kill more efficiently. They are able to gowithout sleep and are immune to fatiggue hunger cold heat and wounds <unless they are killed or so badly hurt they can not move.> A perfecvt killing machine.

Of course the GM could come up with a few side effects that are not to good. A high instance of fratricide?

The drug is like LSD and they have flashbacks because it settle in the fat and can be reabsorved when active and those fat cells are burned up.

the person becomes a vegetable?

A raving lunatic

A paranoid and dilusional


Addicted to the drug and of course requiring more and more.

Of course some commanders just care about results and give it more and more

Oh yeah the drug could also fry the person who uses it destroying their nerves and brain and whatever else would be good.

I actualy made up some supper secret drug in one of my campaigns. It was used by SF types to "enhance" preformance. wich it did. But of course these guys had a tendancy to attack their party members in battle and were highly agressive and argumentative when they were not taking it or they needed a fix.

It was a good group I had back then,




pmulcahy 09-28-2003, 04:00 PM Originally posted by jester770

Oh yeah the drug could also fry the person who uses it destroying their nerves and brain and whatever else would be good.

I actualy made up some supper secret drug in one of my campaigns. It was used by SF types to "enhance" preformance. wich it did. But of course these guys had a tendancy to attack their party members in battle and were highly agressive and argumentative when they were not taking it or they needed a fix.

It was a good group I had back then,



That reminds me of a movie I saw about 10 years ago: anyone remember Jacob's Ladder?


jester770 09-28-2003, 04:18 PM Yes Jacobs Ladder that was part of what made me think of it.

then we aalso have another premis using the old movie <Okay not so old but old enough> Fire Starter. Remeber omne of lil Drew Barrymores first staring roles. both her parents were former volunteers in a millitary drug experiment.

Yes that stuff does go on and we will never know what was testeed on whom, it is well within the realm of possibility within our t2K world. Especialy when one side or the other feels their backs to the wall and they think they have no other alternative.

Further, with the use of alcohol for fuel it would be more available and thus easier to abuse. As for the quality I have dealt with vagrants who drank rubbing alcohol regulalry. It just depends on how hard core a drunk they are.

And I would also think that with the break down of industry and transport small drug labs would be sanctioned for making some drugs, Morphine or opther opiats as pain killers. this of course could and most likely would be abused by those making it or storing it. Further opiates tend to be pretty adictive especialy if you have been on them for long periods of time. So a soldier would feel he needed it even after he was released from the hospital. A mental addiction in addition to a physical one.

I also know they do use cocain for eye surgery. As for its availablility in Europe I do not know, but I wiould think if it were able to be produced it would be used as some command level and of course abused. It from what I hear does make you work harder faster and feel sharper. Hmmmm, something some wayward SF types may use?

For most illicit drugs they have a cousin that has a legitimate medical use, and I would assume that when the legitimate drugs ran out the illegal ones would be pressed into service as an alternative.

To end this, I would say that succh drugs as opium, lodinum and other products in addition to alcohol were used by the veterans of the American Civil War well into the 20th century, they were not called addicts or drunk but instead called "The Soldiers Disease." something to think about.


