View Full Version : Overseas deployment

01-21-2010, 08:20 PM
Rainbow Six 10-22-2003, 01:49 PM Just found out that I will be going to work overseas on a secondment for a couple of weeks before Christmas.

In Warsaw, Poland.

My camera will be going with me, and hopefully I'll be able to use this as an opportunity to gather some great T2K background materials.

Oh, and the best bit - if time permits, I may be able to fit in a weekend in Krakow.

If anyone has any requests for goodies they want me to try and track down while I'm there, please let me know and I'll try to oblige - will try and acquire as much maps and stuff as I can.



Jason Weiser 10-22-2003, 06:46 PM 1. Can you get photos of Kalisz?

2. Photos of Polish Uniforms and equipment, esp Polish "worm" camo

That covers my list...


Grimace 10-22-2003, 09:41 PM Pictures of the terrain AROUND Kalisz would be super fantastic!

Have fun over there.


pmulcahy 10-22-2003, 10:47 PM Pictures of Polish babes in bikinis...er, pictures of the newest Polish military vehicles?


Morthrai 10-24-2003, 05:30 PM Just anything at all that shows what the place really looks like, I have plans for an eastern Europe/western Russia game for Dark Conspiracy and anything would help out.


Rainbow Six 11-13-2003, 06:57 AM OK, ticket has been issued and I fly out on Monday for two weeks.

Now looks unlikely for Krakow - looks like all of my time will be spent in Warsaw.

Will try and get as many photos as I can to get a feel of the place - maybe one of you guys who has a website would like to put some of them up if they're any good?

Will try and oblige as many requests as possible (although will definitely not be anywhere Kalisz!). A full report will follow on my return...

Oh, and Paul, your first objective is high on my to do list, although as it's currently around -2 degrees, bikinis may be a bit of a rarity!


TiggerCCW UK 11-13-2003, 06:40 PM Have a good trip mate. I've just finished a brief overseas deployment myself - in Edinburgh. My wife arranged it as a surprise anniversary present for me. I was in town for a week. Had a fantastic time doing all the touristy things. I did a couple of ghost tours and took in Mary Kings Close and they gave me some evil ideas for my next DC game :)

PS I would also strongly recommend the Literary Pub Tour:D
