View Full Version : E Book feedback

01-21-2010, 10:10 PM
Rainbow Six 06-20-2004, 06:01 AM Phew, it's been a while since I was here...

Anyways, I'm back, and just thought I'd share some feedback on the E Books mentioned in an earlier thread...


I had to uninstall the version of adobe I had and download the updated software from the link posted...


The software is totally free, and once installed I duly purchased the Survivor's Guide to the UK, which was then downloaded directly to my PC in around 45 minutes (I am on dial up, so it will probably be quicker for anyone on broadband I guess)

I had no problems at all during the download.



ReHerakhte 06-20-2004, 06:54 AM Excellent news, so whats the nature of the DRM? (which I have since found out means Digital Rights Management... okay so I was a bit slow on the uptake :confused: ) What does it actually do for you.. or you for it... you know what I mean :D




Rainbow Six 06-20-2004, 09:46 AM OK, I am not the most technically gifted so don't know if I can shed that much light on it...

After I had downlaoded the software (which took two hours on a dial up!), I basically just opened the reader and clicked on the tools option like it says on the instructions...

From there you just activate the DRM, which involves using a microsoft net passport (or hotmail account in my case), accepting a very long license agreement (does anyone ever read those???) and you are then directed to this Adobe site...


Where you can buy e books...

But as to any technical specs, I'm the wrong guy to ask I'm afraid...


ReHerakhte 06-21-2004, 03:25 AM Thanks Rainbow Six, that's more info than I knew.

From the sounds of it, it might be some sort of copyright protection format.

And as for license agreements, I'm one of those "rush right in" types who doesn't even pause to read instruction manuals let alone a license agreement :D


