View Full Version : Beginning for my fall game translated from swedish to english

01-21-2010, 11:15 PM
Antenna 07-08-2005, 09:27 PM Story of PltSgt Perkins - Somewhere in Germany Summer 2000.

PltSgt Perkins takes care of the new fresh troopers and explains with patient all they don't learned at the garrision.

- Listen upp, he says with a hoarse voice and spits some tobacco on the ground, sharpens his lips and whistles a long shrill whistle. - When you hear this sound your life depends on how fast you can disapeer! You get down in the dirt! It is the small bastards who spread that comes! If you don't spread and be gonne at once you will have you intrails on your knees! If you hear this sound, Perkins says and utter a longlasting burr of a sound that sounds like a like a train brakeing, your life depends on how fast you can take cover like the devil had bitten you in your arses. Here you don't get away with a hole in the ground, for these kind of grenades hits the ground and then bumps right up in air and drops all their cargo above you!

- Perkins makes the sound of every grenades and bombs special noice, and repeats them over and over again, until he is sure they recognize the difference between them. - And one thing you must learn , children, he says, - run, run like hell! You will run like rabbits with a circular saw up in your arses! You can outrun a greande if you are fast enough, and never forget that you have to make yourself small and keep your head down when you are in the battlezone. Else you have no chanse of getting home alive. Snipers, children, Perkins says and points on each of them with his M16A2 with M203 grenadelauncher attached while he spits tobacco once more on the ground, - I know what they tought for stupidities that the neighbour is only half of a solider. Forget those stupidities as fast as you can! The sibirian snipers are the best in the world! They can shoot a rats head at 200 yards...



Antenna 07-17-2005, 04:42 PM The adds for my game is in three parts (at least the intro story) to get people interrested in playing. Here follows the two other parts

He walked a little bit side the platoon and walked to the right of the line. There it gonna be he said to himself. There I will try with 3rd Platoon. The platoon Leutnant was wounded, and Perkins took charge of the platoon and put it under his command.

- Lets try once more guys.

Noone answered. Without almost no words they made themself prepared to storm the neighbours line.

- After me.

The enemy fire grow again to full strength, and Perkins again bare witness when the men stoped when a couple men fell.

- After me I said.

Sgt Perkins didn't move forward he fell to his knees. His face was white and the voice was faint and stiff when he once more shouted:

- Forward lads...

He felt a peculiar freedom when he was hit. Three seconds God gave him to discover that he was about to die, but within these three seconds he felt less horror for the death then ever before under this war of twilight. It was almost satisfieing for his darken concious he thought:

- Now... No more... Now it ends...

Else the Platoons moral was higher then maybe other units. Sgt perkins was gone, but he leaved a last standing impression, and Heller and Kaye was soliders you didn't leave behind. Heller never gave orders. He just throw his G3A3 on his shoulder and walked, and the platoon followed. In a way he has become older in the others eyes. Maybe you could see it on him couse he has been earlier so full of life. At the same time when his humour darkened his courage became even larger. Nowdays there was even obstinacy in that courage. The reason you could guess for his reaction was when someone tried to make malicious politics from the defeat. Every time that happen he just said short and threatening. "Keep your breadhole shut!"

