View Full Version : S06e02 "maximum bloodspill" dates guys -dates !

02-05-2010, 03:50 AM
Guys - great session with some shockers and emotional rollercoaster rides for some.

When do you guys propose th enext one ?

I am thinking APRIL.

Who can post a date that they know is certain barring force majeur.

I am having alot of fun thinking up "tv" titles for the "episodes"

suggestions welcome.

Rupert Willies
02-05-2010, 04:37 AM
"The longest quartermile"

"How I stopped worrying about the appocalypse, and started firing the 155mm cannon"

"Help! I'm in the killing fields (again)"

"Lock, stock and a smoking atomic crater"

But otherwise, April sounds good to me. Not too far off, yet plenty time to build goodwill :D

02-08-2010, 03:31 AM
Also marketed as " Help,I am in the killing fields -again !"
And its more obscure Chinese title that directly translated from Kanji reads:

"Desperation individual death combat mountain stress I"

so guys - lets have some suggestions for dates.

Anyone for April ?

General Pain
02-08-2010, 06:50 AM
så har jeg ingen planer i april - utover jevnilg festing....

02-11-2010, 02:27 AM
så har jeg ingen planer i april - utover jevnilg festing....

I take that as a I am in from GP.

The rest of you - get your filofaxes out and start consulting the stars or goat entrails you use to make big life decisions like when to start the next FtF.

And dont worry -not all of you will loose their PCs in action in bloody gun blazing show down .

But some of you probably will.


02-11-2010, 07:44 AM
Yup, In.

02-11-2010, 08:06 AM
April - good

Just make it after easter

02-14-2010, 12:07 PM
I propose 16-18 April .

Confirmation required .

Sound off.

Rupert Willies
02-14-2010, 12:21 PM
Tentative Yes!

General Pain
02-15-2010, 08:43 AM
Tentative Yes!

btw: rupert....

how about posting that link about the PS3 and vista videostream buffering fix

02-18-2010, 02:32 AM
16-18 April


Rupert Willies
02-19-2010, 01:27 AM
btw: rupert....

how about posting that link about the PS3 and vista videostream buffering fix

I did send you some links in the mail two weeks ago.. not about videostream buffering, but about Vista autotuning the transmission packet size. Check it out.

02-19-2010, 01:31 AM
I did send you some links in the mail two weeks ago.. not about videostream buffering, but about Vista autotuning the transmission packet size. Check it out.

get a room guys.

and post confirmation on the dates !

03-10-2010, 02:45 AM
arriving at GPs pad in the working class district at app 1800 hrs fri 16.

Departure sunday at app 1400 hrs .

Remind me to bring the deer for the stew.

03-16-2010, 01:59 AM
Looking forward to our slaughter session.

I was talking to GP and we came up with a joke - he was saying that he had to get all his maps done etc ..I answered that I need only make one map - the one you are in now....


Rupert Willies
03-19-2010, 09:37 AM
You guys, you're killing me!

General Pain
03-24-2010, 06:12 AM
I think HQs world will fix this.

General Pain
03-24-2010, 06:19 AM

03-24-2010, 08:40 AM
Good ones GP.

But dont worry - you are not doomed...that would mean a 100% chance of a brutal end.


There is alot less than 100% chance of demise !

I might be in the high 90s, but I am telling you there is a chance !

Rupert Willies
03-26-2010, 03:11 PM
Sooo you're telling me there is a chance!?! --"Dumb and dumber"

03-28-2010, 12:38 PM
Sooo you're telling me there is a chance!?! --"Dumb and dumber"


04-15-2010, 02:54 AM
Fallout disrupts air traffick.

How ironic that our session might be thwarted by fallout.

As of now (thursday 15/4 1100 hrs ) there seems to be a good chance that flights will run as normal on friday.

If not ,I hope to know soon and will try to get alternative transport.

So -steady lads.

It is still on.

Ps. those of you who are sensitive might want to bring tissues to the next one in the T2K world..I see what will be known as "the saturday massacre" on the horizon..

04-15-2010, 06:10 AM
I recomend ritual sacrifices to please the angry volcanic god:mad:!

All contenders with a domesticated animal to spare can faciltate the dissolment of the volcanic ash cloud or a change of wind direction!

04-15-2010, 07:38 AM
Step on a few bugs today, that might appease the annoyed fire demon creating such problems for air-traffic.

In the meantime, prepare for the worst:


04-15-2010, 08:15 AM
yes- driving it is.

Picking up Devil in Søgne and should be at generals pad around 1500 hrs friday afternoon.

Now that I am going to spend 16 hours in a car to get there - you better show me some darn good RPGing !!!

04-15-2010, 08:35 AM

04-19-2010, 02:59 AM
That was that.No PC casualties ,a stroke of luck on some accounts.

I had a good time ,and enjoyed the many firefights quite alot actually.

I adda brief recap to explain were we start the next session - believe it or not in "down time mode" , for the first time in 3 or 4 sessions ( close to a year (!) )

"Down time " is a relative term though .The party is hiding in a dirty cellar in an abandoned farm somewhere of Interstate 5 not more than 50 km north of Kettleman city . ( Where you first saw the ghastly evidence that the NDP indeed have nuclear weapons - namely neutron bombs).All in all you have managed to get some 70 kms away from the Shandon bunker complex.

The whole county seems to be teeming with NDP patrols and checkpoints.Already you have had to shoot your way through three of these, and bluff through several more.

By now you are on foot after loosing three vehicles to enemy fire in the span of just a few hours.

All of you are hurt , Iron Man,DeCorba and Doc Johnson have all sustained lifethreatening gunshot wounds that require expert medical attention,pharmaceuticals,food,shelter,rest and care .

"Grease" Lincoln and Benito Tecumseh Pain are slightly wounded and stand guard ,tend to the wounded ,scrounge for supplies and firewood etc etc .All in all you have been moving at night and hiding in cellars by day for 8 days.So far you have gone only a few kilometers on foot eastwards from Interstate 5.

There is activity in the immideate area ,as discovered by Pain Jr when on guard - a 2,5 ton truck drives by one day, a couple of hundred meters away with a motley crew of shabby looking guys with mixed gear on the back.An unmanned road block has had to be passed on one bridge you crossed.And a hidden camp close to a road is found with the ashes in the fire still warm...No combat has taken place though ,as you are hiding as best you can.But Pain Jr has shot a corpse eating,dirty ,scrawny dog that came too close with his silenced rifle .

Everyone has had their gear riddled with bullets and everyone has crawled over 1000 hundred meters on your hands and knees and lower than that too.

The gear is tattered and abused,but in what little light there is in the cellars you mend what you can using scrounged sewing equipment,pieces of plastic tarp,gaffa tape and old clothing.You find old brushes and brooms and dust of everything you can doing careful work.

All the guns and the ammo in the mags are cleaned and checked.Broken stuff is discarded or packed for later use.
The kevlar gear is in bad shape for most of you ,it has taken too many hits .
Your electronics are all fried.Radios,NV gear,Ipods...

Luckily Doc Johnson is a trauma medicine genious.And providence has held its hand over you and spared DeCorbas "Happy Warlord brand" medkit.This saves the lives of at least three of you when infections starts to set in .The cold weather also aids in keeping infections down. It is bitterly cold during the day , when you dare not light a fire though.Those not working huddle on mattresses under old sheats,clothes,sheets of plastic and layes of old straw and paper.If it gets much colder ,the recovery of the seriously wounded could be jeopardized.

So far the party has been able to eat full rations every day.The MREs
( PainTek brand ) are gone .The scrounged canned goods/pickled eggs that were found are gone .The small sack of flour and the oil that were found are gone.Water is plentiful however,as the abandonded farms that you hide in have prewar drilled artesian waterwells that pumps to the surface with hand cranked pumps.Doc Johnson assures everyone that it is safe .

As day breaks the 9th day the weather starts to turn colder still.Snowflakes are in the air, and frost cover the withered and rotting crops in the fields.
There is nothing to eat except one thing..Pain Jrs secret recipe Dog Stew.
It actually smells pretty good by now.

Far off in the distance , a helicopter is making its way north along the interstate.

A dogs distant baying is heard on the cold wind. A murder of crows circle a rotting cadaver on the neighbouring field .

Other than that there is complete silence.

It really is getting uncomfortably cold now.

04-19-2010, 04:00 AM
Yes, session was good.

However, there was huge differences in the quality of the players.
While some player(s) performed military miracles with only a small calibre rifle, , performed cool action stunts jumping off a cliff while shooting down helicopters, coragously carrying wounded a comrade on the back while under fire, outnumbered by 1 to 10000 and bringing poetic wisdom to the enemy in the heat of the battle.

OTHER players:
Either were altering peronality rapidly to look for dead realtives while under fire "Father, father, were are yoooou?" or cowardly hiding in a bunker trying to decide which ammo to use.
Other players spent the time taking potshots of target of no value 3000 meters away while thir heroic friends were pinned down right ahead of their eyes.

04-19-2010, 04:26 AM
Yes, session was good.

However, there was huge differences in the quality of the players.
While some player(s) performed military miracles with only a small calibre rifle, , performed cool action stunts jumping off a cliff while shooting down helicopters, coragously carrying wounded a comrade on the back while under fire, outnumbered by 1 to 10000 and bringing poetic wisdom to the enemy in the heat of the battle.

OTHER players:
Either were altering peronality rapidly to look for dead realtives while under fire "Father, father, were are yoooou?" or cowardly hiding in a bunker trying to decide which ammo to use.
Other players spent the time taking potshots of target of no value 3000 meters away while thir heroic friends were pinned down right ahead of their eyes.

This is fact.

In this way ,this session carefully mimic the one before this ,were the quality of the players ALSO varied alot .Some even shot their own in the back ( mistakenly ,of course,due to an unfathomable incompetence) and threw them into the line of fire whereas others milled about in a random fashion and fired of guns .

Teenage irrationality is very hard to understand ,and was thus played very convincingly by the Pain faction player -our gaming host.I actually found this randomized and highly emotionally unstable behaviour very plausible and awarded an XP bonus for this .(It would have been 5 times bigger if he had acted it out with some more meta sobbing and screaming).
Perhaps this is GPs niche as a method actor.The decisions made should reflect the character ,and erratic behaviour is a common trait in teenagers.
In the end ,he did shoot down the helicopter and deserves credit for this.

As for others using their time for gunnery target practice instead of other things -I think we all know to whom you are referring - this was of course another of the GMs insidious traps to make decision making even more confused.It must have been a little bit frustrating to have your guy chased by a helicopter without any back up in that way I guess...

Both this session and the one before that are very good examples of a reoccuring problem in the party - the not giving a shit about the other guy syndrome.(gamewise of course).
If you were a "band of brothers" you would be one of those hip hop outfits that end up having gun fights outside the studio and get on the news.:D

But I did see cooperation and helping eachother in other parts of the getaway and teh escape and evasion part of the game that is going on .

I am an optimist ! Even though there has been 6 years of reluctant cooperation and glee at the unfortunes of others I think that the awakening of team spirit and the discovery of cohesive tactics are just around the corner !

I did think that 3 PCs would be killed during the first 20 minutes of play ,but I was wrong.There was no saturday massacre ,all PCs are alive ,uncaptured and armed to the teeth.Lucky -yes.But you seem to be doing something right too.I just cant see it....hmmm
