View Full Version : Padraigh O`Hanrhan

02-16-2009, 04:32 AM
Info and updates for your PC

02-17-2009, 07:16 AM
Padraigh is admitted to the Eureka Hospital burn ward and given a lot of drugs from the WillisCo treasury .

He needs weeks of recovery and may conduct no actions that require much physical activity .

03-02-2009, 07:28 AM

Padraigh shifted uncomfortably in his bed .The arm,still weird looking from all the operating scars that stood out blue and purple against the burned red skin hung from a sling overhead .The burns on his hips made it painful whatever way he tried to turn .He glanced over to his nightstand to see what time his wristwatch showed.It was a quarter past 4 .A brown envelope was propped up against the waterglass there .It had the WillisCo corporate logo in the top right corner.he hadnt expected correspondance so the letter baffled him a bit .

reaching overto get it made the burns on his back stretch uncomfortably ,and he felt like some of the scabs tore off and puss trickling down his back.

Panting he threw him self back on the pillow after his reach ,and after he had steadied himself he opened the letter .Could it be a bonus for surviving the last mission ? After all he had taken a bad amount of damage -he should be recognized for it !

The letter was brief but to the point .It read :

To: sgt.padraigh O`Hanhran
From : Major Fitzwilliam Benson, XO human resources section ,Willisco HQ


1.Your contract with WillisCo is terminated effective immideately.

2.Reason for termination is reckless and unproffessional conduct in the line of duty and failure to adhere to standard operating procedures when in ethe line of fire .

3.Severance will be granted according to section 3-85 in the contract ,reduced pay after dishonourable discharge .

4.Hospital bills and further treatment will be covered by your WillisCo insurance policy under section 3-87 in your contract .This states that any and all expences in regards to medical treatment will be covered by the dicharged employees private funds with the limitation of 1 months pay that will be credited the discharged employee under section 3-91 in the contract .If insufficient funds ,the property and belongings of said dischargee will be sold to levy the costs of treatment.(With the exception of 1 months pay .) Costs that exceeds this will be covered by WillisCo under section 3-25 in the standard contract.

5.0 In accordance with section 3-87 of the standard contract ,the following items have been appropriated for payment of iutstanding medical bills :

5.1 1 x Barret Light .50 rifle with Leupold 3-9 x 50 optical device
5.2 1 x ATN PVS CGT night vision goggles ( and batteries)

6. Value of appropriated goods with medical costs deducted will be paid out to discharged personell after completion of treatment .

Estimated value : 6 months pay .

"Bluidy hall!" The violent roar made the nurses scream further down the hall and several other patients were in a terrified fuzz ,spilling their bedpans over themselves and frantically beeping for the night nurse.A badly wounded soldier fell out of his bed ,landing on his bandaged ribs,blood quickly staining them from where the wounds had opened.

A stern,but frightened nurse bent over him and shooed."there now!" She opened the valve on his pain killer IV drip and walked away .

"I will teach yer all to cross me! I shall se ye dead and at the botoom of th ebog ye bluiddy bestards!" Padraighs screams grew weaker and slurred .The room spun .Darkness swallowed him.

he had been fired .


General Pain
03-02-2009, 08:45 AM

Padraigh shifted uncomfortably in his bed .The arm,still weird looking from all the operating scars that stood out blue and purple against the burned red skin hung from a sling overhead .The burns on his hips made it painful whatever way he tried to turn .He glanced over to his nightstand to see what time his wristwatch showed.It was a quarter past 4 .A brown envelope was propped up against the waterglass there .It had the WillisCo corporate logo in the top right corner.he hadnt expected correspondance so the letter baffled him a bit .

reaching overto get it made the burns on his back stretch uncomfortably ,and he felt like some of the scabs tore off and puss trickling down his back.

Panting he threw him self back on the pillow after his reach ,and after he had steadied himself he opened the letter .Could it be a bonus for surviving the last mission ? After all he had taken a bad amount of damage -he should be recognized for it !

The letter was brief but to the point .It read :

To: sgt.padraigh O`Hanhran
From : Major Fitzwilliam Benson, XO human resources section ,Willisco HQ


1.Your contract with WillisCo is terminated effective immideately.

2.Reason for termination is reckless and unproffessional conduct in the line of duty and failure to adhere to standard operating procedures when in ethe line of fire .

3.Severance will be granted according to section 3-85 in the contract ,reduced pay after dishonourable discharge .

4.Hospital bills and further treatment will be covered by your WillisCo insurance policy under section 3-87 in your contract .This states that any and all expences in regards to medical treatment will be covered by the dicharged employees private funds with the limitation of 1 months pay that will be credited the discharged employee under section 3-91 in the contract .If insufficient funds ,the property and belongings of said dischargee will be sold to levy the costs of treatment.(With the exception of 1 months pay .) Costs that exceeds this will be covered by WillisCo under section 3-25 in the standard contract.

5.0 In accordance with section 3-87 of the standard contract ,the following items have been appropriated for payment of iutstanding medical bills :

5.1 1 x Barret Light .50 rifle with Leupold 3-9 x 50 optical device
5.2 1 x ATN PVS CGT night vision goggles ( and batteries)

6. Value of appropriated goods with medical costs deducted will be paid out to discharged personell after completion of treatment .

Estimated value : 6 months pay .

"Bluidy hall!" The violent roar made the nurses scream further down the hall and several other patients were in a terrified fuzz ,spilling their bedpans over themselves and frantically beeping for the night nurse.A badly wounded soldier fell out of his bed ,landing on his bandaged ribs,blood quickly staining them from where the wounds had opened.

A stern,but frightened nurse bent over him and shooed."there now!" She opened the valve on his pain killer IV drip and walked away .

"I will teach yer all to cross me! I shall se ye dead and at the botoom of th ebog ye bluiddy bestards!" Padraighs screams grew weaker and slurred .The room spun .Darkness swallowed him.

he had been fired .


LOL....remember the medical bills increase each time you one of your fits....

03-03-2009, 05:28 AM
at least willis hospital is better then the pain hospital, as my secret agents can determin by this photographic evidence...


General Pain
03-03-2009, 05:46 AM
at least willis hospital is better then the pain hospital, as my secret agents can determin by this photographic evidence...


this was a picture of takhasis private bedroom - even though it looked like a torture chamber

03-03-2009, 07:21 AM
takashis old bedroom...


03-11-2009, 04:28 AM
Padraigh is released from the hospital the 20th of Sept. 2019 - a cold and bleak day .Additional costs are deducted from his pay and possessions to the amount of 80 rations .

He now has 100 kg food.

He still has his Praetorian "Heavy Armour" AV 3/2 with the steel plates -although it has been fixed and now looks a bit mottled and worn due to the burn damage .

He also has his sidearm,knives etc , his AR-180B and most of his possibles and his pack etc ( possibles- old yankee word for kit like clothes,sleeping bag ,eating plates and cups ,firesteel etc ).

he also has a small amount of prewar factory ammo for the guns .
100 rounds for sidearm , 180 rounds for the AR180b.

Financially he is in none too good shape for the upcoming winter with only 100 rations to his name ,and no place to sleep or stay .There is a housing shortage in Eureka.

Padraigh needs to find housing -with heating of sorts .He also needs to get a food source for the winter - 100 rations is only going to keep him for a while ,not counting what he needs to pay for lodgings etc

04-14-2009, 03:24 AM
Well, so it has come to this. Again...
A repeat of bloody Thatchers 80's: Uneployed, angry and armed.
Well, the 80s certainly kept me occopied, so I start up a my own bussiness.

Someone must be needing a hand in Eureka: Drugdealers, slave traders, weapons smugglers, organ thiefs or just ordinary thugs.

If this doesn't work (again) I move to the forrest, start live of the land in wait for better times.

General Pain
04-15-2009, 03:14 AM
beeing a filantropist - the belevolent General Pain offers the following to Padraigh.

U may work as a bouncer at the "House of Pain" - this means you will have to remove troublemakers in the bar/pub - you wil NOT be stationed in the door. You will have your own table and a small room for your shit. 10kvm.

Pay is free lodgings. If you wan't - you may enlist in :

-the horde
then advance to wolfcompany
-then advance to praetorian.

General Pain
04-15-2009, 03:17 AM

(and I guarantee a everlasting afterlife with all your wishes)

04-15-2009, 04:54 AM
Well, so it has come to this. Again...
A repeat of bloody Thatchers 80's: Uneployed, angry and armed.
Well, the 80s certainly kept me occopied, so I start up a my own bussiness.

Someone must be needing a hand in Eureka: Drugdealers, slave traders, weapons smugglers, organ thiefs or just ordinary thugs.

If this doesn't work (again) I move to the forrest, start live of the land in wait for better times.

You get job offers in the first few days after you are out

1. Bill Smith, aka "the champ" ( see NPCs thread) wants to make you a star in his brand new and exciting "cage of blood" show.(it is all very hush hush ) Pay is 100 rations pr round .You can do as many rounds as you like ,but a minimum of 2 rounds is required.

2. The city of Eureka will give you 1 ration pr day and a space on the floor in what used to be an office building -sleeping in a dorm with 78 others - to cut firewood for 14 hours a day .(They have 2000 people working on this )

3. The city of Eureka will pay you 1 ration a day and a space in the same office building but on another floor to gut fish and measure its radioactivity before it is salted ,frozen or canned -for 14 hours a day .

Living of the land in the woods is a possibility - but reports and rumours cleary indicate that

a) there is very little wildlife left due to the enviromental changes ,radiation and of course the thousands of hunters actively trapping or shooting everything they can to feed the people of the town

b) there are reports of attacks by vicious and bloodthirsty people in the wilderness ..victims skinned ,butchered ,molested -its probably just marauders on drugs that got bored ..

(you have known worse people , but then again what to do for sleep ? also - with winter coming in a the close future , where to live -I am not saying NO , just mentioning some DIFFICULTIES)


You can rent a small office/room in a run down warehouse for 30 rations each month .(No electricity or heating , no water -this you must get your self ).

There is a market for several services :

RETRIEVAL - going out of the safe zone and bring something nice back .There are many others doing the same

SECURITY WORK : - many people who travel to outlaying farms or between Eureka and other towns close by will pay a few rations to have a guard to fight for them .Standing guard over a building etc is also possible .Usually the pay is 1-5 rations pr day .(no medical ) .

COURIER: - much like security work , only here people pay you to take an item to a location . usual pay is 1-5 rations pr day .

other businesses are also possible , but then you will have to make it up yourself - for example yoyu can invest your rations in a small boat and start ferrying people , get a donkey and start your own transportation agency , become a merchant etc

Business is hard in Eureka .There is little currency in circulation ( currency = rations) , and demand is low .This means that companies are underbidding eachother .Competition is brutal .

Please let me know what you choose .If you go for job offer nr 1 we will roll those fights at the start of the next session .

04-15-2009, 07:59 AM
So I was an attractive laborer after all.
Up yours, bloody Willis - you didn't know what a fantastic worker you just fired!

Its hard to choose between so many exciting job offers. I wish I could choose them all.

This is what I'll do:
I set up an office: "PADDY and GUINNIESS - entertainment, security and problem solving"
I need to establish an office facility, so I rent something cheap (where I can sleep on the floor) for the few shillings the bloody bastard Mr.Willis gave me.
Have to spend money to earn money you know.

A nice sign on the door - listing my special abilities together with and old black and white photograph of my happy dog and the not so happy me.
|*) High risk sercurity work / dangerous contracting
|*) Debt collection
|*) Courier services
|*) Locating missing persons
|And for for the kids:
|*) Stage fighting acts
|*) Clown acts
|*) Location missing pets
| Discression guaranteed

Need to put up some posters to advertise for my services and distribute some leaflets in the pubs.

However, to make sure I'm prepared for an economic downturn, I also sign up for the cage of blood. I'd like a two round prepay before the match though, so I can buy myself som medical supplies I'll need afterwards.

What's the pay for a job in the "horde", Mr. Pain?
If it's a fulltime occupation, I think I'll have to pass, otherwise I think I know a few tricks that would interest you.
Anyways, I'm always up for some consultency work on the side.

04-15-2009, 01:21 PM
OK- I like it when PCs take care of themselves.

Getting settled and advertising costs you 50 kgs of food -you now have a cozy 10 M2 office with a small window,a reinforced door (chickenwire and an old road sign ) ,2 plastic chairs,a desk from 1954, a mattress and most importantly - a wood stove with chimney all made from old tin cans , a big iron sewer pipe and some cinderblocks. It glows almost white when you feed it constantly and bring the room to 35 C * .There is also a pot for making food and boling water .

The room is in a former shopping mall , and some other businesses are located there also .There is a small brothel /slash "beggery" meaning that they beg and then try to solicit if not successful,a dogbutcher selling dog and cat meat ,another security company run by 3 big ,bald muscular guys with tattooes,a repair shop,a couple of merchants dealing firewood and some general store goods, a homeschooled dentists and barber and a music /record store who also sells marijuana and assorted hemp produce.
I want go into detail about your jobs over the next weeks ,but they involve alot of standing outside a house in the dark and freezing while the people inside eat and sleep.

As for the cage fight - seeing as you seem a good match "theChamp" will front you the 200 .He also promises to have you DRIVEN to the hospital -he seems to think this is very friendly -almost too much really.

Dont forget to re read this post as we start to play - it says how much you have in funds and also - that we start of the next session right away with a little unedited live cage fight action for you to roll.It looks like a good crowd has turned out to watch the illegal event .Apparently your adversary will be a captured marauder enforcer or some such ,who is fighting to be set free .But that might just be PR .He is probably just a regular death row convict.


Rupert Willies
04-16-2009, 04:37 AM
I'll pay to watch this event play out!

04-16-2009, 05:35 AM
I'll pay to watch this event play out!

thats 5 rations for floor ticket or 10 for a seat in the box .

box seat ticket includes 3 free drinks of 100 proof ethanol served by a lovely damsel and a guaranteed heated and weatherproof seating arrangement !

04-16-2009, 08:13 AM
Any chance Mr. Champ can give me a better pay if we allow some blunt weapons, bottles or knives in the cage?

Let's say; one club or iron rod each:
2000 rations per round - to whenever the refree (or anyone) stop the match
10000 - to the death. No rounds

Blood guaranteed.

I do knife fights as well - as long as the pay is right.

This should make the fight more interesting for his fine audience, and should make him charge a higher ticket price.

04-16-2009, 02:46 PM
Any chance Mr. Champ can give me a better pay if we allow some blunt weapons, bottles or knives in the cage?

Let's say; one club or iron rod each:
2000 rations per round - to whenever the refree (or anyone) stop the match
10000 - to the death. No rounds

Blood guaranteed.

I do knife fights as well - as long as the pay is right.

This should make the fight more interesting for his fine audience, and should make him charge a higher ticket price.

ahem..you thought the 100 rations match you signed up for wasnt to the death?

Well , Champ will go to 500 if you fight 3 matches non stop in one night.

knives and clubs arnt used much ,as they end the show to quickly from Champs point of view.But sometimes - yes .The prices you suggest are more like a one against many with better weapons etc and you have to build a match like that with months of promotion and many prelimenary matches to build reputation .He agrees you look like a bad man , so he will consider if you survive your first 2 bouts .

Rupert Willies
04-17-2009, 05:45 AM
* Getting popcorn and beer *

ahem..you thought the 100 rations match you signed up for wasnt to the death?

Well , Champ will go to 500 if you fight 3 matches non stop in one night.

knives and clubs arnt used much ,as they end the show to quickly from Champs point of view.But sometimes - yes .The prices you suggest are more like a one against many with better weapons etc and you have to build a match like that with months of promotion and many prelimenary matches to build reputation .He agrees you look like a bad man , so he will consider if you survive your first 2 bouts .

04-23-2009, 03:13 AM
Early morning , two massive and well fed tough guys who are "friends" of Mr. Champ stop by "Paddy&Guinness" Security company for a little chat .They say they are just checking in to see that you are alright .One of them gives you a nice piece of bread -" to build your strength up".

They are quite polite .Then they leave .As they go one of them turns and says :

"Careful when you exercise -we dont want any atheletes injuries just before such a big match - alot of people would be very DISSAPOINTED in you" .

Ah well.Just another day at the office .

Your dog growled softly at them the whole time they were there .

General Pain
04-23-2009, 09:18 AM
so what are the odds on the upcoming matches -

winstreaks etc.

05-20-2009, 05:49 AM
EUREKA SEPT.26th + 7 C*

Padraigh sat on the side of the bed and pulled on his wollen socks .His big toe stuck out from a hole.He cursed in his sing-song Irish lilt and looked around for another .His big ,shaggy dog growled softly at him -as if to tell him that he better not take his frustrations out on him or he would be the worse for it .Unable to find any better socks,Padraigh settled for the pair he had on and walked across the cold floors to the cupboard .It was filled with two burlap sacks holding his stockpiles.One held around 60 PacGov military issue rations made by WillisCorp. What was left of his advance .The other held a few pounds of pig fed he had traded for at the market .The dog wouldnt eat the rations.He got out some ration packs and the sack of grey and dusty pellets .He poured the pellets in the plastic dish for the dog and paused to meet the canines gaze.The animals yellow -brown eyes were sad and contemptous.

"OI! Look here !So you hold me for a stingy bestard you filthy loyalist mutt!" he sneered at the dog .The dog stared back with a lazy unflinching stare ."Ye think I wouldnt spot ye a drop o`beer fer yer meal ey? What do you take me for?" He opened one of the bottles of beer that stood in the cupboard .He poured some in the dish and slushed it around a few times .Another PainTek product.He drank the rest in three long drags himself as the dog contentedly pushed the dish around on the floor and goobled up its beer and fodder.

"Pitiful " he exclaimed as the aftertaste filled his mouth ."What a sorry excuse for a lager ".Even the end of the world as we knew it couldnt be an excuse for making a ber so flat and tasteless he thought to himself.

The champ had sent someone in to check on him again yesterday.This time the usual muscle hadnt been there.Just a smallish ,bookish fellow who tipped his tattered baseball cap and squinted through the one lens left in his sunglasses.He had left a sheet of paper detailing the location of the fight and the time schedule .He was to present himself at an abandoned factory no later than 20 00 hrs tonight .He was to be fit for fight and was adviced not to eat during the hours leading up to the match .Sod the ridiculous bastards they had sent to check on him and all their f***ing advice.He had a good mind to drag one of them in to the alley behind the mall where he lived, and stab him until he was annoying no more .

He stretched .Nothing wrong anywhere .Kind of amazing when you considered the amount of punishment he had taken on the last job.The burn scars where still a violent red against his otherwise pale and dirty skin .He did a few moves,gently running a few left hook-right elbow swing -left knee kick and some footwork just to feel it out .He had been well pissed when the doctors had taken his bandages of and his tattooes had been destroyed by the scarring .Those ink jobs had cost him money back in Belfast.He took a few bites from the biscuts in the ration pack .They tasted like flour .A few sips of water made them go down .

He looked at the old alarm clock he had on the ammo-crate night stand .It was time to go .It was going to be an hours walk to get to the pit fight .
He had contracted for 2 matches at 100 rations each .
100 rations meant 3 months worth of food .If he could get another job as well ,that paid a meal a day he would be set for lodgings and supplies for winter .He looked into the plastic wrapper of his ration pack .A small bag of powdered soup .A bar of granola like stuff.
A small tube of "M.67 /B protein supplement Sweet&Sour flavour" .Unbeliveable.he trid to get his dog to eat some but it turned its head and started of back to its blanket in the corner.
"Your loss ye bestard" he mumbled and sucked on the tube of protein paste .It tasted faintly of sugar and had the consistency of crisco.

At 100 rations pr match the fights were to the death.

Padraigh locked the door using a sereis of locks and a thick chain and pad lock .He scowled menacingly at the other inhabitants in the semi-ruinous mall as he walked past their cook fires and filthy dwellings .He cradled his AR-180B in the crook of his arm as he trudged steadily on toward the factory .Some kids followed him a few meters but ran away when his dog bared its teeth at them with its soft,hissing growl.Padraigh had to let slip a little smile .That was one truly mean dog he had .To think he never really mistreated it to get it that way either.Just lucky I guess he thought to himself .

He turned the corner and approched the parking lot .A pick up with a M60 mount cruised slowly past ,scoping him out with their flashlights.As he approched the building the faint cheers of the crowds rose to a pitch.Some druken men were having a heated discusiion outside the steel entrance doors .Seconds later the side door flew open and two filty and bloody men half dragged and half supported a beat up,bloody carcass of a man onto a waiting cart parked alongside the wall.The two grim and bloodstained porters lowered the horrible figure onto the wooden planks and threw a blood stained blanket over him .A dour looking driver looked up from his pornographic magazine and sized his load up .Then he turned to the porters ,who had commenced in lighting their roll up hemp and tobacco cigarettes.

"Aw,come on !Youse cant expect me to go all the way over to the hospital with this?! The man is almost dead already.A motherf***ing waste of all our times ."

The porters looked back uncommitedly .One of them exhaled in a long gush of smoke and said:
"You suit yourself P.B .But remember the Champ is big on that whole keeping to agreements thing .And this body here -it done paid for a cas-evac to hospital after his match already .You want to break a deal with the champ - its your thing.Aint nuttin to me .I just get paid to haul em out of the ring."

"Yeah-yeah ..fine " the driver interrupted and sat up .His scarred and dirty mules shifted irritably in their harnesses.Even in this cold a few flies had managed to gather in the soars and gashes on the back of the animals.

The porters watched the driver roll of slowly and get on the road from the lot .
"Sheeet" one of them said . "can you imagine being laid up on that motherf***ers cart all beat up like that ? "

The cheers of the crowd sounded a lot closer now that the side door was open .

Padraigh could hear a shrill female voices inbetween the droning roar of all the men hollering.

He still had half of his advance left .

"Fu**ing dog food " he thought .

The cheers of the crowd washed over him .

05-20-2009, 07:33 AM
Any bookies around?
I'll put all my earthly possessions on myself as the winner - everything but the dog. Don't want him to end up in another revolting paintek health prodct just because his owner has gone to terrorist heaven. He deserve a happy life on the streets of Eureka feeding on corpses behind the hospital.
If I'll win the bets it should boost the profit a little bit - the rifle should be worth a few shillings at least.

I'll then paint the "Paddy and Guinnies Entertainment & Security" logo on my chest and stomach. Bussiness has been slow and the fights should be good for advertising. Maybe someone in the audience has kids that would like a little special surprise in their birthday party. Maybe it could boost my reputation as a debt collector...

05-20-2009, 07:50 AM
The bookies are all around there is several independents operating across their tables with cardboard odds sheets and also a house bookie with a proper booth and and old bus terminal info board now converted to giving names of fighters ,time of fights and odds etc

Here are the house stats for your first match :

Red Corner :Padraigh O`Hanhran "The Armagh Beast" wins:0 losses:0
Blue Corner :The CRUSHER wins: 7 losses: 0
time 2030hrs

ODDS : Padraigh O`Hanhran to win = 3:1

If you bet everything on yourself ( AR180b+100 rounds and pistol ,armour,6 beers,10 kg dogfood and 50 rations ) total winnings will be :1150 rations

05-20-2009, 07:59 AM
So it has come to this.

I bet everything on myself (except the dog)

05-20-2009, 08:21 AM
So it has come to this.

I bet everything on myself (except the dog)

[I]Padraigh laced up his boots and surveyed the changing room .It was lit by a single naked lightbulb and had once ben the wardrobe for workers at the factory .The white tiles on the floors and the walls were cracked and yellowing now.Over by the broken washbasin ,brownish blood stains covered the floors.A piece of spotty mirror still hung on the wall there .probably why so many fighters had gone over there to bleed.His eyes caught a small object on the floor .It was a molar ,complete with roots and everything .It still had some bloody tissue on it .So it had to be pretty fresh . Outside in the main room , the crowd was noisy .Occasionally a roar would rise up at a particularily crowd pleasing move .He looked over his Red trunks that they had lent him .They smelled like stale water ."Bluiddy fiilthy yanks!" He spat .

The guard by the door shifted uncomfortably .Padraigh stood and walked to the other wall ,swing his arms around in warm up circles.A fast work out and some stretching had made him sweat already .A poster had been glued up as he was changing. it read :


1.The match is to the death .
2.No weapons unless specified by contract
3. Thats it .

Padraigh looked over at his dog .Guinness was seemingly asleep.A knock on the door and the shout "TIME!" The guard nodded to him .
He put the red robes over his shoulders and walked out into the dim hallway leading into the roaring ,lighted main room .A trail of blood leading the other way showed where the looser from the match before had been dragged .

In the changing room the big grey dog let out a long ,low whimper .Then it turned over and went back to sleep .

General Pain
05-20-2009, 11:22 AM
to HQ:

What are the odds (gambling)?

to Paddy:

If you loose I will take care of your mut/dog

(and I'll promise I will not feed him to the Landshrimp)

and as everyone knows a promise from General Pain is as good as you could get a promise in a post-apocalyptic world.

General Pain
05-20-2009, 11:23 AM
to HQ:

What are the odds (gambling)?

to Paddy:

If you loose I will take care of your mut/dog

(and I'll promise I will not feed him to the Landshrimp)

and as everyone knows a promise from General Pain is as good as you could get a promise in a post-apocalyptic world.

sorry I just saw the odds... ;)

05-21-2009, 01:32 AM
you might want to go over the melee rules on the site before this one ( I think I emailed them to everyone a long time ago too)..

bon chance !

05-22-2009, 06:45 AM
Houserules v.2.0 by GM HEADQUARTERS

Purpose:to create a middle ground between a simulation and a dice rolling game to make for fast, furious and fun playing of T2K melee.

Who goes first is determined by :

Unarmed melee : Initiativ ,Skill , Agility –if still equal highest on the dice. NB! Sucker punches,”optional attacks”,situational attacks at GMs discretion.

Armed melee: Range-longer moves first.If equal range – agility minus bulk , if equal still rate by Initiativ ,Skill , Agility if still equal –highest roll of die.
NB! Sucker punches,”optional attacks”,situational attacks at GMs discretion

CONSECUTIVE ATTACKS : for each attack deduct 1 from attackers initiative , skill ,agility ,to determine who goes first for consecutive attacks .
This means that for example attacker A with initiative 6 and a skill of 8 and thus 4 moves pr phase will get all of his punches launched before attacker B
with initiative 2 and skill 4 can launch a single attack .

BLOCKS may be attempted against all attacks ,even if characters moves doesn’t come until later in the round.

1. Attack is AVERAGE melee skill.

BLOCKING : AVERAGE melee skill +/- modifiers.
When GM announces that attack is on the way –but before result is given- PLAYER MUST ANNOUNCE BLOCK or block is forfeit .
Player may use 1 block pr attack only .Defenders number of moves equals number of blocks.(Yes- you can be outgunned).
A roll of 10 is always a failure to block.
A hit with a roll of a natural 1 must be blocked by a natural 1 (OPTIONAL)
.When rolling block opponents “attack difficulty level” must be matched.( OPTIONAL)
(See “called shots”). EXAMPLE : rolling a block for an attack that is difficult requires making a difficult block roll.

IF SKILL + MODIFIER IS GREATER THAN 10 WHEN BLOCKING : 10 is always a failure – but considering the advantage the GM determines result.
It can be a hit ( on a high GM roll for failure result or for instance a block that hurts giving the character some dmg to blocking limb etc. A natural roll of 1 needs a block
Roll of 1 .

2. Number of moves equals skill/2 rounded down.This regards melee moves only. Drawing a weapon etc as pr core rules.No moves can be carried over to the next phase.

3. Melee skill/Melee disciplines :is divided into UNARMED : box, kick, grapple.(for instance boxing, tae kwon do ,judo). And ARMED: blades,clubs,polearms. Players
choose specialization and allocate the points and receive ½ points in the other disciplines.


ARMED: weapon stats determine dmg. NB! Critical damage rules apply to armed melee attacks.

BOXING / PUNCHES: skill X STR / 20 = dmg (max dmg is 5) Called shots to specific locations etc - one level higher difficulty.

KICKS : skill X STR / 10 = dmg (max dmg is 10) Called shots to specific location etc –one level higher difficulty.


Once CH is GREATER than opponents GRAPPLE SKILL OR STR ,( defenders choice ) ,opponent is subdued and held.
Grappler may commence hurting pinned opponent in subsequent phases/available attacks –substituting CH for dmg points .
Called shots etc one level higher difficulty. (Ex. throws, instant locks)

CLOSING THE DISTANCE : If standing , a grappler must close the distance with defender before grappling attacks can be used .A defender may choose to move ahead
of the approaching grappler as long as there is enough room . KICK/BOX style fighters may still attack even if they are retreating before the advancing grappler.
To close the distance the grappler must use a CLINCHING technique (see clinching / unclinching ) OR Get the defender “up against the ropes “
so that he can close the distance anyways.

ESCAPING a lock /grappling attack : Defender can counter with a grappling attack of his own .( Blocking in kick/box fights )
.If his attacks generates more CH than the attackers Defender will now be locking the Attacker in a reversal of the situation.
The counter attack is equal to the block in other fighting styles.
Again , once CH exceeds opponents grappling skill or STRENGTH , target is pinned/locked. Subsequent CH may be substituted for damage points by attacker .

Defender may also try to escape using attributes STR/AG. Number of moves again equals unarmed melee moves within the discipline.


Such escapes ,(STR/AG), will not give CH as far as any offense is concerned and any CH accumulated is considered “escape points only”. Once escape points exceeds
attackersCH , defender is free of the lock .He may still be within attack range for grappling attacks .To get away he needs to “unclinch” or be able to move out of
grappling range.

CHOKE HOLDS : choking the defender means cutting the bloodstream to the brain and depriving it of oxygen. It is considered a called shot to the head.
Calculating damage /result for chokeholds : If attack is successful –i.e . CH points are scored , roll 1D6 and add to the CH result .If the figure is higher than defenders
CONSTITUTION score ,defender will black out an equal number of SECONDS/MOVES to the margin result exceeded CON. Attacker may of course continue the attack
Against unconscious defender and unopposed gain more CH -and ultimately choke the defender to death .(Automatic hit )
Death occurs when constant choke hold damage has been applied to defender for as many MINUTES as CON/2.
NB! Choking damage is temporary and will be reset to original level if hold is broken and defender gets oxygen again .

GRAPPLING SPECIAL ATTACKS: the attacks that instantly hurts opponent by breaking bones, ripping sinews etc are VERY DIFFICULT = skill / 4 .
(Example : snapping the neck like Arnold in commando.)

In such cases CH is applied directly as Controlling Hits AND damage points in the same move .Blocking rules are normal .


SPECIAL ATTACKS : some Martial Arts have expert attacks that instantly decides a fight .These can be summed up as doing 2 times the damage but require twice as many
moves. Such attacks therefore require that attacker has at least 2 attacks pr phase.Meaning melee skill: 6 or more-a fairly high expertise in martial arts.
Headquarters allow no such attacks without proper “MANGAFICATION”-this entails calling your shot in an evil/heroic voice by boldly invoking the name of the technique.
Name must reflect type of attack and few superlatives that fit. Then the player details his move .Example :
“Glorious fist of the Righteous Wrath!!”…”My PC draws back his fist ,filling the punch with momentum by the inch and releases with the ancient Kiai a devastating blow”
Other examples include hitting more than 1 target pr attack or blocking a sword blade by clapping your hands against the flatside .
Failure to enthusiastically MANGAFY will result in a MALL NINJA MOVE and botch the attack- but still expend the moves. Yes, it takes a martial artist to do it.
Specified hitlocation means one level more difficult roll.

GRAPPLING SPECIAL ATTACKS: the attacks that instantly hurts opponent by breaking bones, ripping sinews etc are VERY DIFFICULT = skill / 4 .
(Example : snapping the neck like Arnold in commando.) CH /DMG points apply at the same time .

ARMED MELEE SPECIALS: some weapons have special attacks listed –usually one or two levels more difficult for special result. Consult weaponsdoc.
Example : three section staff,twohanded sword,halberd, swordbreakers etc

TECHNIQUES: several exist .
A) Clinch /Unclinch : Character uses all moves as blocks and tries to close the distance .If successful opponents end up in a clinch.
* The defender may choose to stand his ground and let attacks rain down on the attacker trying to go into a clinch. Attacker may block only .
*The Clinch /Unclinch competition is solved by rolling against skill used in fight – better margins win. Different styles is of no consequence here .
*Unclinch /un- closing the distance is the opposite but follows the same rules. If one side is trying to clinch and the other un-clinch ,no attacks are made.

B) Defensive stance : Player announces before phase starts.+1 to blocks- character goes up against the ropes and digs in. All moves tied up as blocks.


TWO WEAPONSTYLE: a separate skill that allows for a max of 5 attacks ( skill level twoweaponstyle / 2 round down ) Can never exceed base armed skill.
XP must be allotted in usual manner starting from 1 . A normal skill that must be taught and developed.

Both weapons must be fast and agile meaning more than 3 attacks pr phase.

CALLED SHOTS : A character may try special moves or called shots- these are one level more difficult .
Attacking a certain body part or location –DIFFICULT (Attack to head specific – difficult D10 roll).

Terrain,footing,weather,vegetation,crowds higher ground etc all make variables that modifies all of the above. GMs dicretion and collective mind analyzis apply.

Invariably , fighters of different disciplines will square off .To try to portray the realism of a fight through paper rules will not succeed. As a simulation of the variables
The following rules apply :

If prone or grounded KICKING or BOXING style fighting will be impaired by a penalty of :all attacks 1 level more difficult.

If standing , a grappler must close the distance with defender before grappling attacks can be used .A defender may choose to move ahead of the approaching grappler
as long as there is enough room . KICK/BOX style fighters may still attack even if they are retreating before the advancing grappler.If the attacker tries to clinch –see

To close the distance the grappler must use a CLINCHING technique (see clinching / unclinching )


Get the defender “up against the ropes “ so that he can close the distance anyways.

05-22-2009, 08:19 AM
please take note of the small editions made to the document in regards to number of attacks and who goes first when using consecutive attacks .

The rules tend to favour the better fighter in a match vs an untrained one .

05-22-2009, 01:54 PM
An XP handout could be very nice before the fight begins...

05-22-2009, 03:47 PM
If you have anything saved up we shall see what we can do..
I have to say I like the balls of steel approach to your new character Sanchez .Betting your PCs life in a man to man combat pit fight to the death
will be amply rewarded in chutzpah and xp points should you step out of the ring alive.

I dont see any of the other PCs fuck**g with your guy after this one.


An XP handout could be very nice before the fight begins...

General Pain
05-23-2009, 09:00 AM
Are there rounds or just one round per man?

If yes : who is Paddy's cutman? and what are the round bets? - like number of holds,kicks,punches,dirty tricks,and other weird things bookies bet upon ?

- blind-eye-joe
- insatioable hilda
- angry jim
- bloody mary

06-02-2009, 12:56 AM
The drizzle of rain made the funeral pyres alomng the mainway hiss and splutter. The few hundreds that had turned out to see the 12 fallen heroes be put to rest were shivering and shifting uncomfortably in the rain .Willis stepped up to the hastily erected log podium and cleared his voice in the bullhorn mic.A loud jarring feed back screech filled the evening air ."These 12 men and women bravely lay down their lives for us last night .They fought valiantly in the defense of us all -and they gave all. Lets not see them off here tonight thinking it meant nothing .They saved 40 people from a terrible fate .They saved countless others by eliminating those who prey upon their fellow men .Let them inspire us in this time of darkness so that we may feel the spark in our selves that tells us - survivng is not enough - we shall live as men! Our trials and tribulations are many .Our days seem bleak with toil and looming dangers .But we have something to hold on to here .Look around .See the faces of the people next to you .They are like you, seeking something to hold on to in this storm -someone to lean on . Someone like Padraigh O`Hanrahn who with unselfish zeal and true valour took up the fight against evil .Wounded and bloodied in his hospital bed ,he responded without hesitation to the plight of a desperate mother who had seen her spouse killed and her babies ripped away by the villanous ,heinous,criminals . Without asking anything in return ,acting with te greatest courtesy and dignity he took the field and rallied the righteous to go into the fray. They battled -and were victorious - but not everyone lived to see the triumph of good .

Godspeed to volunteer deputy officer Padraigh O`Hanrahn .We shall need many more of his example in the times to come "

The crowd stood silent for a few minutes more.Then it dispersed slowly , leaving only those weeping few that were related or had known the KIAs.

Padraighs pyre was kept burning well into the morning by the firewood that PAINWOODCO had provided for free.

( Communal wake to be held at the HOUSE OF PAIN BAR from 2000 - 1900 .All beverages 10 % of and free fro all relatives of the fallen)

A bandaged woman with her arm in a sling and two young children carried the logs for it all night .Occasionally they would stand by the flames and warm themselves.The mother always laying her arms around the kids.

06-02-2009, 01:17 AM
KIA in an action on the Redwod Highway , south of Fernwood,CA on the
29th.Sept.2019 ca 2315 hrs.

Padraigh O`Hanrahn from "Paddy&Guiness-security and entertainers"
25 volunteer deputies from the city of Eureka
50 volunteers from Gen Pains Praetorians
150 volunteers from House Takashi


1st engagement :app. 200 marauders from "dawgskullz" group

2nd engagement app 40 marauders from "dawgskullz"-stragglers

The engagements took place around Ferndale and on the Redwood Highway.

The plea for help went out from Ferndale -unaffiliated with the Eureka council -the afternoon of the 28th, as a large force of marauders were attacking .A volunteer force responded the afternoon of the 29th and drove of the marauders -who retreated at once opposition of a comparable level materialized.The pursuit was hampered by several IEDs or "roadsides"/"culvert bombs" that had been placed in advance to cover the retreat by the marauders and their leader "Wild Thing". The majority of the casualties came from just one blast directed against the lead vehicles from such a device.

The second engagement took place along the route of escape for the marauders .The advance force of the volunteers encountered an encampment with the marauders slaves and their keepers, that had not been able to keep up with the main force. Unwilling to part with his precious cargo ,the leader had decided to make camp and hope the towns people were to chicken to pursue that far out. Bad mistake .The only surviving gangmember was tried and promptly hung on the 2nd October 2019 in front of an applauding crowd.

Padraigh was killed in the second action .

report :

Took up sniping position -alone- south east of enemy encampment.Engaged the enemy and caused severe casualties and disrupted their defensive plans for several minutes. Sniping position was compromised however ,probably from muzzleblast from anti material rifle ,and supressive fire laid down by the enemy .Much of the fire went wild ,but some rounds were on target.

O`Hanrahn was hit in his left hand by a .50 BMG slug .He immideatly went into shock and blacked out unconscious. He regained consciousness for a few seconds and managed to radio for help .The squad sent to retrive the casualty had a hard time finding his position in the darkness and with his camouflage , as well as having to move several hundred meters in the open during the final moments of the engagement .

Upon reaching O`Hanrahn , the medics tried to stop the bleeding and stabilize his condition .The casualty had bled for a substantial time , and the combat medics had only seconds to treat him before he reached point of no return .Several internal organs were failing , and he went into cardiac arrest . His life could not be saved .

I am unsticking this thread and letting it drift into the void .A new character thread will be posted .