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Lerk 12-02-2010 05:35 AM

FNG here ;) I only GM. I've been roleplaying since the 80s, never really got into Twk2 at the time, but as i found a heap of tw2k stuff in a bargain bin at a con i thought of how great it would be to lead the classic polish campaign, in it's original setting; The year 2000, as percieved in the early eighties. Sort of a retro-futuristic setting.

Once i got into plowing thru the rules i got the notion that i wouldn't use the original rules and started experimenting. First i tried D20 modern, and i found them completely inadequate for this. Cumbersome in some parts, overly simplified in some other parts. So i ditched them.

Being a Swede i've basically got the BRP rules in my marrow (The major RPG publisher in the 80s used BRP (or variants of it) for most products thus i decided to purchase the standalone BRP rules. They were not perfect in any sense, and also quite simple, and to put it frank, too lethal. In trials with 3 pcs vs 3 hostile npcs pls a couple of neutrals, most were dead at the end of the first round. So i started tweaking.

And now i'm almost finished, i incorporated the modern firearms rules (http://basicroleplaying.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=99 ), tweaked the autofire rules, thought up some rules for suppressive fire

It's basically now in working shape. After balancing it's very easy to become incapacitated, start bleeding, get knocked out, or in state of "dying", but the instadeath has become somewhat more uncommon

A friend of mine helped put all of this in a Gamemaster util coded in C# (I think).

helbent4 12-03-2010 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by Lerk (Post 27924)
FNG here ;) I only GM. I've been roleplaying since the 80s, never really got into Twk2 at the time, but as i found a heap of tw2k stuff in a bargain bin at a con i thought of how great it would be to lead the classic polish campaign, in it's original setting; The year 2000, as percieved in the early eighties. Sort of a retro-futuristic setting.

A friend of mine helped put all of this in a Gamemaster util coded in C# (I think).


Sounds great! I like the retro feel of T2K as well. Bring on them commies!

I like BRP as well. Is there a way to share your work?

(I don't think I ever specified this, but I started GMing and playing T2K back around '85. After a long hiatus I'm both GMing and playing again, albeit on line.)


Lerk 12-03-2010 02:47 AM

I'm meeting my friend who's done the GM-util today, i've been talking some about the possibility of releasing the util. I would love to do so (And preferably under some OSS-equivalent license like GPL). I'm not really sure about how that would work, legally, since it contains rules that i suppose chaosium has copyright on. And some from the author of modern firearms rules.

Anyhow, i think i should write down the rules i formulated myself to overcome some of the shortcomings of BRP, especially the autofire rules once i'm done experimenting with them.

In the original BRP-rules you had to roll damage + location for each and every bullet, which became very very cumbersome in the T2k setting. Instead we tried rolling it as one "attack" and when damage is dealed, the risk of damage is increased as well as a greater hit chance. That became too simplified, and it became apparant that the damage all ended up in one hit location. That became really stupid in a firefight with cover situation; If you hit the cover, the entire attack hit cover, if you hit, then you got all of the damage, even if you were 75% covered.

So now i'm thinking of a middle ground, some sort of increments, or a roll of how many bullets that does hit. I'm not completely done with my thinking around how autofire should work to get a balance of deadlyness/playability/detail/workability.


Originally Posted by helbent4 (Post 27950)

Sounds great! I like the retro feel of T2K as well. Bring on them commies!

I like BRP as well. Is there a way to share your work?

(I don't think I ever specified this, but I started GMing and playing T2K back around '85. After a long hiatus I'm both GMing and playing again, albeit on line.)


Lerk 12-03-2010 04:29 AM

Forgot to mention; I also compose my own mood setting music to be used for tw2k in general, i made it mostly for my own campaign, but i'm thinking of distributing that too.

Lerk 12-03-2010 06:30 PM

I suppose i should start my own thread with this, perhaps a moderator can split off my ramblings about Tw2k-BRP and such?

Anyhow, we decided to divide autofire into increments, so now it can be used on multiple targets, hit multiple locations, without becoming as deadly as the original BRP.

Suppressive fire is also implemented; When subjected to autofire one must make a successful POW-roll, or become suppressed/pinned down, which causes a -25 to firearms skills, this lasts the current and the following round. The roll for suppressive fire is done even if no bullets hit, so there's a reason to fire away just to make the enemy keep their heads down so the friendlies can manouver or flank.

The util also tracks bleeding and unconsciousness.

And i've spoken some to my co-conspirator who made all the coding, and we will most likely release it for the general population. I just got to make a basic manual that explains my mods to the brp rule system, and some basic stuff about how to use the app. Dont really know a good place to host the stuff though.


Originally Posted by Lerk (Post 27958)
Forgot to mention; I also compose my own mood setting music to be used for tw2k in general, i made it mostly for my own campaign, but i'm thinking of distributing that too.

helbent4 12-04-2010 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by Lerk (Post 27970)
The util also tracks bleeding and unconsciousness.

And i've spoken some to my co-conspirator who made all the coding, and we will most likely release it for the general population. I just got to make a basic manual that explains my mods to the brp rule system, and some basic stuff about how to use the app. Dont really know a good place to host the stuff though.


That sounds fantastic! I like using BRP and wouldn't mind seeing more of something like it in different non-Scandanavian RPGs. ;)

Let us know when the utility's finished, sounds really cool. Actually, any set of BRP-based T2K rules would be sweet!


Lerk 12-04-2010 07:31 AM

It's quite close to finished, at least the basic features (Except for grenades/explosive damage calculation) it can handle most aspects of combat.

Theres a bit of a to-do list regarding a campaign manager with access to logs of old battles, group spot checks, random loot generator..etc But all that is just bonus stuff, the important things are done.

Whats the best host for this kind of tool? Sourceforge?


Originally Posted by helbent4 (Post 27981)

That sounds fantastic! I like using BRP and wouldn't mind seeing more of something like it in different non-Scandanavian RPGs. ;)

Let us know when the utility's finished, sounds really cool. Actually, any set of BRP-based T2K rules would be sweet!


helbent4 12-15-2010 03:46 AM


Originally Posted by Lerk (Post 27983)
Whats the best host for this kind of tool? Sourceforge?


Great to hear work is progressing.

I have no idea what the best course would be. Perhaps sourceforge, or maybe someone has a site than can host the software? How large is it?


Lerk 12-17-2010 01:04 AM

We chose Sourceforge;

It's a really small and slim application sizewise.

It's available for download, as well as the source code.


Originally Posted by helbent4 (Post 28400)

Great to hear work is progressing.

I have no idea what the best course would be. Perhaps sourceforge, or maybe someone has a site than can host the software? How large is it?


helbent4 01-26-2011 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by Lerk (Post 28480)
We chose Sourceforge;

It's a really small and slim application sizewise.

It's available for download, as well as the source code.


Yay! Great to hear.


Targan 03-27-2011 07:20 AM

Bumping this to give new members the opportunity to contribute.

James Langham 06-27-2011 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Lerk (Post 27970)
I suppose i should start my own thread with this, perhaps a moderator can split off my ramblings about Tw2k-BRP and such?

Anyhow, we decided to divide autofire into increments, so now it can be used on multiple targets, hit multiple locations, without becoming as deadly as the original BRP.

Suppressive fire is also implemented; When subjected to autofire one must make a successful POW-roll, or become suppressed/pinned down, which causes a -25 to firearms skills, this lasts the current and the following round. The roll for suppressive fire is done even if no bullets hit, so there's a reason to fire away just to make the enemy keep their heads down so the friendlies can manouver or flank.

The util also tracks bleeding and unconsciousness.

And i've spoken some to my co-conspirator who made all the coding, and we will most likely release it for the general population. I just got to make a basic manual that explains my mods to the brp rule system, and some basic stuff about how to use the app. Dont really know a good place to host the stuff though.

Years ago playing Cthulhu Now (before it came out - based on an article in White Dwarf) we used two types of fire - aimed bursts - normal chance to hit - for every 5% under an extra round hit. spray bursts - each round adds to chance to hit (maximum of double skill level) roll randomly for the number of hits (e.g burst of 5 rounds roll 1D6 rerolling 6). The 5% may be a bit generous with the amount of automatic weapons though - they were VERY rare in Cthulhu.

Olefin 04-22-2012 09:33 PM

played the game in college and right after - went from Poland to the US and thru Texas, the Ozarks. Allegheny and all three Last Submarine modules and then Kidnapped and Howling Wildnerness bummed out my GM and the game ended

took a very long break and only rediscovered it a few months ago after I saw four modules on sale at a local bookstore (mint condition for Krakow, RDF, Going Home and US Army Vehicles for only 3 bucks each!)

been getting back into it - in process of writing my version of Frank Frey's unreleased Kenya sourcebook now

Chris 04-24-2012 09:24 AM

GM, FtF, and writer of questionable fan fic.

Could be worse, anybody want to see T2K slash fic? :p Too easy.

DigTw0Grav3s 12-25-2012 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Targan (Post 12291)
As of last night all the campaigns I am involved in including a RL 20 year campaign of Harnmaster and my current T2K campaign have ended. Personal issues with a couple of the players have brought me to this decision. Incredibly depressing for me but not nearly as depressing as ever having to face those people again. I'll try to get a T2K campaign going again in the future, probably using the T2013 rules. So this time around I'll have the huge advantage of having this forum and ideas from its contributers to help me when I set it up.

If you have any interest in making that an online campaign, I would absolutely love to participate. Can't get any traction by my neck of the woods..

Edit: Didn't realize that this was such an old thread. Sorry. Still up for a PbeM 2013 campaign, though!

Targan 01-29-2015 08:25 PM

No, I'm afraid playing online isn't my thing. I'm getting a bit of a tabletop RPG fix at the moment with running a 5e D&D game, with a friend and my wife and his partner. The girls have never played RPGs before so it's nice to introduce newcomers into the hobby. Been a loooong time since I've played D&D though, and the rules are somewhat more *ahem* cinematic than my usual preferences :rolleyes:

Olefin 04-13-2017 09:11 AM

I have played the game back in the 80's with a good sized group and then online in two different campaigns - and would love to get back into another one

also have written T2K fan canon as well

and with the release of the East Africa Sourcebook that was approved by FFE (who owns the rights to GDW including T2K) I am now a T2K canon writer as well

Draq 04-13-2017 10:48 PM

... I just collect images, PDFs, and tons of other info, hording it and coming up with all kinds of ideas I'll probably never use given the severe lack of players or GM's near me...

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