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comped 01-17-2013 12:12 PM

I'm interested. If I can get it done, I might submit an alternate time line, or maybe a preview of a source book I'm thinking of. :)

Grimace 02-26-2013 06:08 PM

Final Week for Issue 2
This is the final week before issue 2 of the ezine gets put together! So if you've got something you want to contribute, get it to me by the weekend!

We've got a pretty good line-up of material so far...a lot of good stuff. But we could always use more! And even if you don't get stuff to me by the weekend, don't stop work on it...I could certainly use it for ISSUE 3! :D

Grimace 03-14-2013 04:32 PM

Anyone know who created this?
Who sent me the file "Twilight2000BlancPJ1adv" in PDF?

I don't seem have to a name associated and would like to attribute it to the correct person.

enrious 03-21-2013 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by Grimace (Post 53819)
Who sent me the file "Twilight2000BlancPJ1adv" in PDF?

I don't seem have to a name associated and would like to attribute it to the correct person.

I see them in this thread - http://forum.juhlin.com/showthread.php?t=1327

Looks like there's also NPC sheets at http://forum.juhlin.com/showthread.php?t=3857 and a pretty nice website link in this thread.

Grimace 03-24-2013 08:51 PM

I know some of you are looking forward to the second issue of this (as I am) but things are conspiring against me to get this out this month. So, sadly, I'm going to have to push back the expected release date to sometime in April.

The second issue WILL come out, but it's just not going to happen in this last week of the month. Sorry for those who were looking for it in March. :(

Cdnwolf 03-25-2013 04:13 PM

No rush. We waited this long and your own life takes priorities. When it is ready it will be ready. Thanks for the great work.

Grimace 04-22-2013 10:30 AM

I feel like I'm making excuses...but that is not my intention.

The rather constant parade of visitors is still going on at my place, leaving me not a lot of time to work on this.
Add in that just a couple days ago my grandmother died, I don't know if I'm going to be able to finish the 2nd issue this month either.

It will come out, but I'm going to say "As Soon as I get it done".
Sorry for the continued delay.

raketenjagdpanzer 04-22-2013 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Grimace (Post 54147)
I feel like I'm making excuses...but that is not my intention.

The rather constant parade of visitors is still going on at my place, leaving me not a lot of time to work on this.
Add in that just a couple days ago my grandmother died, I don't know if I'm going to be able to finish the 2nd issue this month either.

It will come out, but I'm going to say "As Soon as I get it done".
Sorry for the continued delay.

Dude, none of us are paying you for this, nobody's lives are on hold waiting for this - take care of IRL stuff and get GL,YOYO done when you can.

General Pain 05-14-2013 04:31 AM

I really like it. Well written .

Keep up the good work.

I'll check with HQ if we can with your blessing to host @ the BBoW

Cdnwolf 08-04-2013 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by Grimace (Post 54147)
I feel like I'm making excuses...but that is not my intention.

The rather constant parade of visitors is still going on at my place, leaving me not a lot of time to work on this.
Add in that just a couple days ago my grandmother died, I don't know if I'm going to be able to finish the 2nd issue this month either.

It will come out, but I'm going to say "As Soon as I get it done".
Sorry for the continued delay.

Have things slowed down yet? And can we help with anything?

Grimace 08-04-2013 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Cdnwolf (Post 55676)
Have things slowed down yet? And can we help with anything?

The potential for slow-down and time to work on this is nearing.
As for help, any of you guys up for editing? Punctuation and spelling mainly, but spacing might also come into issue as well.
If so, let me know. I'd appreciate any help I can get and it will speed up this unfortunately slow process.

Adm.Lee 09-27-2013 09:47 PM

Still need help with editing? My editing job is running really slowly this month.

raketenjagdpanzer 02-24-2014 06:43 PM

Any GLYOYO news?

Olefin 03-12-2014 02:30 PM

volunteering to help with editing for sure if you need it

Grimace 04-16-2014 10:03 PM

Sorry Gents, I've been a bit out of sorts the last while.

Honestly, I could really use some help, or at least something to jack up my enthusiasm.

Cdnwolf 04-17-2014 05:53 AM

Lots of volunteers willing to help Grimace...

Olefin 04-18-2014 04:21 PM

Grimace - what do you need

is it articles?

help doing editing?

actually puttting together what has been submitted into a cohesive form?

I can think of several of us who can help you do that and are ready and eager to join in.

Grimace 04-19-2014 06:05 PM

I've got articles, thanks to the generous contributions from multiple people. What I'm being buried in is editing and putting it into a cohesive format.

If you guys are interested in helping out, please send me an email at: twilightgrimace _at_ gmail _dot_ com (changing things as necessary to get it to work, y'know). That way I'll have an email to send material to. Let me know in the email what you'd be willing to do.

Image Searching

I'd appreciate any help. I'd love to get this done and out for you guys, it's just being a bit more than I can easily handle.

Olefin 07-15-2014 06:57 AM

Grimace did you get my email I sent you volunteering to help out?

Grimace 07-15-2014 09:34 PM

I did! Sorry I haven't been able to respond yet. Busy times this summer. I'll let you know what I've got when I get a chance to re-assess.

raketenjagdpanzer 08-04-2014 03:54 PM

Any news, Grimace?

James Langham2 09-11-2014 10:10 AM

Quite happy to help with image searching if that will help - seem to do too much of it for my own articles!

SicOne 03-21-2015 03:46 PM

Just getting back onto this site after a long absence and enjoyed GLYOYO...thanks for sharing this, Grimace!

Targan 03-21-2015 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by SicOne (Post 63657)
Just getting back onto this site after a long absence and enjoyed GLYOYO...thanks for sharing this, Grimace!

Aha! Fresh from our Facebook conversation eh? Welcome back :D

Draq 03-25-2015 09:55 AM

Idk if it'll help any, here's my primary pintrest board. http://www.pinterest.com/michaelgill...s-war-history/ its chock full of t2k worthy pics.

Tnchi2a 03-30-2015 08:14 AM

So is this dead/on semi-permanent hold or still moving forward.
was just wondering because i loved the first one and most of the fanzines on-line have tanked lately.

Draq 04-01-2015 12:21 PM

I can't wait to see other places in the world that aren't very well covered. Like Canada, italy, Spain/France, Russia proper, China/Korea, southeast asia and Australia, India/Pakistan. The Mexican and African source books, the cavalry source book, and the first issue are just as good as the original game material.

Draq 04-01-2015 01:00 PM

I can't wait to see other places in the world that aren't very well covered. Like Canada, italy, Spain/France, Russia proper, China/Korea/Japan, southeast asia and Australia, India/Pakistan. The Mexican and African source books, the cavalry source book, and the first issue are just as good as the original game material.

Olefin 11-17-2015 10:14 PM

Grimace not sure if you are still working on a second issue but I would love to help if I could

Legbreaker 11-17-2015 10:24 PM

He hasn't even been on the forum since July 2014, in fact his post above (#100 in this thread) is his very last activity on the site.

Olefin 11-17-2015 10:46 PM

Thats too bad was really looking forward to seeing another issue of the fanzine - that first one was a really good piece of work

Draq 07-10-2016 11:23 AM

Somebody needs to commandeer the project

James Langham 10-18-2017 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Draq (Post 71561)
Somebody needs to commandeer the project

I don't have the time but could help out with material or pictures suitable for publication.

Olefin 11-18-2019 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by James Langham (Post 75949)
I don't have the time but could help out with material or pictures suitable for publication.

James - I am working on the project and was sent some of your material that was going to be for the second fanzine for Grimace originally. Saw that did publish it eventually on your site - are you still ok with it being in the next fanzine or do you want to not have it be re-published there?

Olefin 03-30-2020 11:27 AM

and on at least one positive aspect of being stuck at home I am finally making some real progress on the 2nd edition of the fanzine - cover done, my article done, articles from several others edited and entered - still deciding how big to make it - when its ready will put it on a new thread here and also will send it to Paul to put on his site - and will see if drivethrurpg.com is interested in it as a free post similar to the Colonial Times fan mag they post there for 2300AD

so still not too late to submit material

Raellus 03-30-2020 01:01 PM

Hey, Olefin. Would you mind including an advert for our respective published materials (your EASB, my KPSB, and the Rook's Gambit adventure module) in the fanzine?


Olefin 04-11-2020 03:02 PM

Does anyone know how to to get a hold of James Langham - was sent material that was originally going to be for Grimace to use - i.e. Royal Naval Party 67 - however would need to modify the pics for use unless James can tell me if they were ones that are ok for publication - otherwise will have to leave it out

Legbreaker 04-12-2020 12:57 AM

He's on farcebook. https://www.facebook.com/james.langham.144
Last activity within an hour of this post.

Olefin 04-16-2020 10:00 AM

Want to thank all of you who helped get me in touch with James - found out he is working on a revision of a couple of his articles with new pic posts so that I can use them - may have to be in the third fanzine - second one is almost ready

Olefin 04-24-2020 09:13 PM

Second volume of the fanzine is done. Sent it to Marc Miller for his review and blessing and to see if he want to publish it to drivethrurpg.com as a free download.

Once I hear back from him I will post it on a new thread - i.e. one that says its released.

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