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Ironandcopper0451 04-03-2018 08:10 PM

New twists and turns
So the post about Morrow as horror got me thinking... What other twists could you, have you put on the game?

Aliens invaded to enslave the remainder of of mankind and now the team is accidental x com...

The team awakens to find no Trace of human civilization. Humanity may be extinct.

Same premise except some unknown entity is stalking the team...

Team wakes up on another continent... An explanation may or may not be given...

A new disease springs up shortly after the team get established... They, or one team member, carry the disease...

A mutagenic virus has ravaged the world, humanity is almost extinct, what do you do?

What's anybody got?

rcaf_777 04-03-2018 09:05 PM

Have the team wake up and find that nothing has happened, put the bolthole in a far away location so it's a while before they find signs of life

String them along make think that the US survived but...... You could have a Soviet war on US soil while they slept and the Soviet Won or have then wake up to the hunger games like state lol or that Krell has completely has taken over or Kentucky Free State on a large scale. Have the project on the run from the start.

Or have a team of frozen watch wake to find out that Bruce Morrow really did want to take over the US in the future and he did.

ArmySGT. 04-03-2018 11:18 PM

Most popular so far.

Zombie Apocalypse.

Alien invasion (Dark Skies, Puppet Masters, Independence Day)

Asteroid Strike

Worldwide pandemic (Captain Trips)

Supermen (Illuminati eugenics program)

as well as Richard Tucholka's Rogue 417 or Invasion USA

Those have been the most often discussed here.
Aside for nuclear holocaust.

ChalkLine 04-04-2018 04:45 AM

- The team wake up on a spaceship in deep space


- on a moonbase

mcruff 04-04-2018 09:05 AM

differant continent
A minor computer glitch ordered the team to be placed in a bolt hole in a different country. The team wakes up without knowing this and soon finds that their auto nav maps are incorrect (don't allow the players to look up maps on their cellphone during play), they possibly don't speak the language and the only equipment they have is what they start with (no caches). May be difficult to roleplay but could be fun.

Scott 04-05-2018 10:04 AM


rcaf_777 04-05-2018 11:19 AM

Here is another

The group is awaken and it is 1992 the US has been attacked with nuclear weapons.

The group goes about setting up a refugee camp, people being to arrive contact with other teams is made ect.

Then the region commander shows up and informs the team that a MARS team will deployed to the area shortly and you are to provide what assistance they need.

A day later a radio call is received from the MARS team state they are arriving in your location in 30 minutes.

The MARS Team arrives, but it more like a Battalion, with HARM suits, Heavy Weapons and even what appear to be tanks.

They request medical treatment for wounded and additional people to help with repairs.

There are also a fair amount of what appears to prisoners wearing US Military uniforms.

Two soldiers then appear with a prisoner who is wearing the uniform of United States Army brigadier general. The MARS commander appears and says they need a private area to talk to the prisoner.

ArmySGT. 04-05-2018 06:12 PM

I think someone had the TMP / Star Gate mashup... where Bruce Morrow was really recruiting for the Goa'uld invasion resistance.

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