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natehale1971 05-19-2009 02:11 PM

New North American states (Morrow Project)
Will be posting the write-ups of new states in North America and pictures of their flags on this thread.

(Maxwell's Militia): One of the successor states that had been founded and protected by the so-called "Maxwell's Milita" that owes it's creation to the last-ditch efforts of FEMA to establish a federal government that could coordinate a stable recovery. Unfortuantely do to many of the policies that had been enacted during the crisis, the status of DeePees (originally D.P. for Displaced Person) has devolved into a form of indentured servitude to outright slavery.

(New Presidency)
(New Confederacy)
(Morrow Project Community/Colony)
(Five Families)

Allied States of America
Union of American States

Tim and I worked on some ideas for the flag of the Kentucky Free State, and this is one of them (i'll post the rest as soon as i can find them).


A couple of flag proposals for the Morrow Project. I'm trying to come up with the flags of some long-established Morrow Project Communities (some of the teams who'd been awaken in the past 150 years that had actually created a few small stable communities really should have been established.. of course they could be considered 'new presidencies' but i'm still thinging about this).



Flags of some of the 'New Presidency' states












this is a socialist republic in the UP of Michigan that made an appareance in my campaign, that got it's start in the Damocles module and slowly grew into a major long running multi-adventure campaign. It was one of the first communities to join the loose confederation of communities that was established of the Morrow Project Combined Operations Group in the UP.


The flag of the Survivalist movment that had developed based upon the writings of a fictional writer in my campaign. The writer was a member of the Morrow Project, and his books where published by a subsidary of a subsidary of a subsidary (if you get the idea) of Morrow Industries. The writer is actually Bruce Edward Morrow, but the husband and wife team who makes public appearances are actually MP members that had been 'hired' to handle the 'ghost writing' of these books.


The United Mine Workers Commune, a communist republic whose government had started out as a Mine Workers Union that now totally dominates the states political landscape. Much like the Communist or Socialist Parties in most communist and socialist states.


These four flags are some works in progress that i've been playing with. The last is one of the Islamic Republics that has come ino being in the American landscape post-Did I do that?

natehale1971 05-19-2009 10:20 PM

The African-American Union flag... The African-American Union in my campaign was esbalished in the area near Chiacgo around the framework of the 'grassroots' political machine that had been dominated by a charismatic African-American 'preacher' (who was based off of Rev Wright, Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton, and for the record I think i should say that I had started developing the idea for this group back in the 1990s).


The flag for a Communist republic.


A Francophile republic flag..


Some ideas for a few Islamic Republc flags.




One of the Kentucky Free State flag proposals that i've done with Tim.


One of the Morrow Project flag


Flags of various 'New Presidency' states...











The flag of an alliance of shipmen... i have to come up with the flag of the airmen (a group that uses hot-air ballons, zepplins, derigibles and other airships).


natehale1971 05-19-2009 10:20 PM

Survivalist Group movment banner, based upon their flag. the Survivalist movement in my campaign isn't a bunch of red-neck racists. but instead based around the writings of a modern day author that had greatly inspired the Prepper community, and constitutioinalists and libertarian political action groups.


The official Morrow Project Banner, that would be displayed by the MP Combined Operations Group headquarters. the banner (like the MP flag) is displayed/flown alongside the flag of the United States of America and the State they are located in. as soon as i get back to the States i'll create an example of how the MP had originally planned on the displaying the flags, and how they are being actually displayed in my campaign (namely that the flags are flown at at half-mast, with the American flag is in the center with it just slightly above the other two flags).


The Flag of the Warriors of Krell.


The Banner of Krell himself, and the Warriors of Krell. Carried into battle just as the Roman Legions carried banners to idenfy them. These banners are also displayed at headquarters as identifiers... I had planned on banners for Krell's lieutenants, generals and those members of his inner ciricle. but i've not been inspired to come up with the colors or rank structure of the Warriors of Krell. if anyone has ideas they are willing to work with someone else on developing them further please let me know.


natehale1971 06-25-2009 12:56 AM

I'll be posting more Morrow Project flags in a little bit, but I have a request for everyone who enjoys the Morrow Project. Can you guys help me come up with some ideas of the kinds of 'countries', settlements and communities that might show up.

I'm trying to come up with a flag for the communities that are under the protection of the Maxwell's Militia... I had thought of using the flag of the National Guard, but with a black fringe around the edges... Does anyone have suggestions?

kato13 06-25-2009 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by natehale1971
I'll be posting more Morrow Project flags in a little bit, but I have a request for everyone who enjoys the Morrow Project. Can you guys help me come up with some ideas of the kinds of 'countries', settlements and communities that might show up.

Chicago has always been proud of its flag. We would probably add a 5th star to represent survival of the war day (One star represents survival of the Great Fire). I will have to dig into the ruins of Chicago and see if I can figure out who might be running under it and what modifications might be made.

We did come in second (as a city we always seem to be second) in the North American Vexillology Association survey of City Flags.

It is a pretty neat site overall if you have an interest in flags http://www.nava.org/

natehale1971 06-25-2009 06:53 PM

Danke... This will help alot. :)

isn't Pres. Obama suppose to have come out of the Political Machine there in Chiago?

kato13 06-25-2009 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by natehale1971
Danke... This will help alot. :)

isn't Pres. Obama suppose to have come out of the Political Machine there in Chiago?

Trying not to be political but just giving a Chicago perspective I actually don't consider Obama to be a "machine" politician. I think Mayor Daley, the king maker in our "Machine", didn't like or support him for most of his career viewing him as an outsider. Of course once Obama looked like a distinct possibilty for president the Machine was behind him 100% (even though Daley's brother was in the Clinton cabinet).

natehale1971 06-25-2009 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by kato13
Trying not to be political but just giving a Chicago perspective I actually don't consider Obama to be a "machine" politician. I think Mayor Daley, the king maker in our "Machine", didn't like or support him for most of his career viewing him as an outsider. Of course once Obama looked like a distinct possibilty for president the Machine was behind him 100% (even though Daley's brother was in the Clinton cabinet).

That's what i thought as well... I wasn't trying to make a 'political' statement.. just was wondering if he had been part of the machine or not... I had thougth of a post-OOoppps world the political machine would have created a major feifdom different from the clans seen in the "Ruins of Chicago"

kato13 06-25-2009 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by natehale1971
That's what i thought as well... I wasn't trying to make a 'political' statement.. just was wondering if he had been part of the machine or not... I had thougth of a post-OOoppps world the political machine would have created a major feifdom different from the clans seen in the "Ruins of Chicago"

No problem. Overall I fully agree. Gangs versus Pols/Cops is how I see it going down. It would not be pretty. Civilians have very few firearms (handguns are illegal in the city and rifles are not very popular) so they would pretty much have to align themselves with those groups.

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