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kalos72 09-23-2018 04:55 PM

OT Sorta: Consolidated Trading Company Recruits
Agent Smith: “Mr Edwin Morales?”

Morales: “Si”

Agent Smith: “Great! I have been told you are skilled mechanic. Is that correct?”

Morales: “SI”

Agent Smith: “Awesome! I have a client that needs to hire skilled mechanics. Are you available for work?”

Morales: “Depends, what's the job?”

Agent Smith: “I work with Consolidated Trading, you might know our market in port? My client is looking to hire mechanics, at several locations. They are willing to provide a base pay as well as support you and your family in quality housing for the duration of employment. As well of course as passage to and from the work site.”

Morales: “Where is this job?”

Agent Smith: “Depends. They have needs here in country but also in various sites around the Caribbean, Central and South America and even the United States.”

Morales: “Who is this client?”

Agent Smith: “It's a private company that has sites all over the Americas.”

Morales: “I don't want to leave my village.”

Agent Smith: “ I understand but you, AND YOUR FAMILY, will be well paid and provided for whichever location you are working at. Plus, if you select the United States, they will offer you AND YOUR FAMILY full US citizenship after your contract is up.” None of their people worry about their safety, or finding food or good drinking water. They are paid well enough to barter for anything that isn't already provided for them.”

Morales: ”Realty?”

Agent Smith: “Oh yes, but I do have to say you will need to work. They expect a fair day's work for everything they provide. And I cannot promise which location you will be assigned to, only that you and your family will always be safe, well fed and working towards a better tomorrow for all of us.

Also, they guarantee a good education for your children. With respect, better than anything you can expect them to get here. What do you say?”

My party sees this as a common conversation for Consolidated against all across the world after 2TK in their attempt to find and recruit any skilled workers they can.

swaghauler 09-25-2018 09:25 PM

Based on what I have seen abroad, all you have to do is post the job and you'll have dozens of prospective "employees" in no time. The big issue will be "vetting" them so you don't "let a fox into the hen house."

kalos72 09-25-2018 10:14 PM

This idea is more...post T2k. The world has collapsed and some is asking you to move you and your family to another country. Much less the US...

What would motivate a person in germany to take his family and go back with OpOmega for example? Much less in Central America where we have been playing god for decades...how desperate would they be in 2001?

Green Monkey 10-07-2018 08:55 PM

I actually think the economic organisations that would attract skilled work and productive resources post T2K would be very interesting.

An organisation like a Bechtel or a KBR might have plans to concentrate skilled workers, mobile equipment, raw materials etc at a remote, safe location with a view to preserving resources for reconstruction.

Pre-war organisations will probably see a tension between conserving and concealing resources for future and pressure to deliver products or materials to military or government.

Other organisations such as "Consolidated Trading" might evolve. I think it is very likely they would evolve in coastal locations (or maybe on surviving rail lines) for logistics/supply chains/trading. They would have to prioritise recruiting (and protecting) skilled workers for salvage and reconstruction.

My personal sense is that moving labour around is going to be challenging and expensive so it would likely only apply for very valuable or rare skills.

The relationship such economically powerful organisations would have with local military (or security) organisations could range from having internal/organic security through co-opting local law enforcement/criminal organisations/militia/military to being pawns of said organisations.

WallShadow 10-08-2018 10:11 AM

Has anyone put into play a Polish NGO relief/self-help co-op yet? Somewhat like Habitat For Humanity crossed with a food bank/seed bank/microloan financial group/tool library/vo-tech&essential skills community college Pay-it-Forward kind of organization?
They're thinking of calling t "Zapomoga"--"Grant" in Polish.Perhaps a PC feels sorry for a refugee family, gives them a spare shovel, saw, hammer&nails, and some extra food and clothes for their kids. Dad manages to fix up an bandoned house, make some ration chits by working as semiskilled labor, starts helping his neighbors,who get into the spirit and make something of a neighborhood. And the concept spreads until it evolves into an actual refugee-uplift outfit, people helping others to help themselves, fixing, mending, teaching.

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