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Grimace 08-10-2012 09:43 PM

Twilight Fanzine
There was some talk about putting out a Twilight Fanzine. We've got enough people here that create material or have information they're willing to share for Twilight games, we could probably do a fanzine for some time.

So I'm going to do my best to put one together. I've had some minor experience with layout, so I can fake it enough to make it modestly passable. I just need content for the fanzine. That falls to you guys!

If you've got an article, an adventure, a bit of info, a new rule, whatever, go ahead and let me know that you're willing to share it and I'll fire off an email you can send the material to. If I get a few pieces I'll work on putting the first issue out.

All you guys who said you'd be willing to donate material...time to man up!

stg58fal 08-10-2012 10:44 PM

I have questions.

Electron, or dead tree?

Is there a certain ruleset/timeline you want, or can we do any of them and tell you which version its for (v1, 2, 2.2, 2013). For example, I'm running a 2013 campaign right now, I could contribute adventures, NPC's, a bad guy group that other GM's could use in their campaigns, fiction based on our sessions, that kind of thing.

I used to run v2 and 2.2 back in the day, but I can only remember a couple adventures.

Not sure I can really meet deadlines or anything, either, at least not for a while. I have to use the computer at the library or my phone to go online. Internets where I'm staying right now suck. Bad.

Grimace 08-10-2012 10:46 PM

Electron format.

I may also attempt to put it into a format that can be easily printed, but it'll initially be geared for electronic format only.

Raellus 08-10-2012 11:00 PM

I would like to submit my Operation Proud Lion campaign background for the 173rd BCT in Kenya.


If you decide to put it in the fanzine, and need any touching up or follow up work, please let me know and I'll be happy to oblige.

Cdnwolf 08-11-2012 04:21 AM

Where do we submit the material. I have some stuff that is pretty big and think if you set up a new g-mail account just for submissions it might be easier for people to send you stuff.

Rainbow Six 08-11-2012 05:32 AM

Are we talking about new material or stuff that has already been posted to the forum? Or both?

If new material what's the deadline?

If previously posted I've got a couple of pieces I would be happy to put forward. Just let me know.

WallShadow 08-11-2012 02:24 PM

Me like-um!:D

Grimace 08-11-2012 04:45 PM

You can send material to twilightgrimace_at_gmail_dot_com.
(didn't want to post the actual link to avoid spammers, just replace the "at" and "dot" appropriately)

I'll take old and new. If you want particular art with it, send it along. If it's for a particular rules set, please denote which rules it is for.

As far as a deadline....end of September. Hopefully I'll have enough material by then to get an issue put together for October release.

Cdnwolf 08-11-2012 06:07 PM

Hmmmm an interesting find...


and another one...


Grimace 08-12-2012 11:35 AM

Also, if anyone has any suggestion for a name of this fanzine, go ahead and sound off. I haven't come up with one yet, so I'm open to ideas.

Jason Weiser 08-12-2012 10:09 PM

A few suggestions for a name?

Twilight Soldier (The original intended name for T2K)

Have M16, Will Travel

ArmySGT. 08-12-2012 11:30 PM

Intelligence Brief



Staff Call

Rumor Control

Battle Cry

Blue Force

Panther Al 08-12-2012 11:43 PM

I'm gonna second 'Staff Call' as the title. :)

Targan 08-12-2012 11:56 PM

I like Jason's suggestion of Twilight Soldier. But here's one from me, how about "Twilight: Still Brewing"?

stg58fal 08-13-2012 01:37 AM


Also, if anyone has any suggestion for a name of this fanzine, go ahead and sound off. I haven't come up with one yet, so I'm open to ideas.

Jason Weiser 08-13-2012 07:42 AM

Gentlemen, I have made the first submission and I encourage others to do so as well. Grimace needs articles!

HorseSoldier 08-13-2012 07:50 AM

I also like Twilight Soldier. It's more evocative of the classic Escape from Kalisz, squad (-) trapped behind the lines, than names associated with .mil staff work and products.

I'd also suggest that rather than a 'zine with electronic issues, a better format might be a website hosting collaboratively hosting stuff written by various fans. That way, nobody has to worry about rushing to deadlines and such, and also rather than organizing by issue number, there could just be sections dedicated to adventure ideas, equipment, NPCs, source books, etc etc etc. Would (at least the way my mind works) make for easier finding of things of interest.

(Apologies for a prolonged hiatus, btw. I'm recently back from A'stan.)

Cdnwolf 08-13-2012 08:05 AM

Damn those vampires.... Twilight Soldiers make me think of an Army of Sparkling Vampires...

Good Luck, You are on your own. GLYAOYO

HorseSoldier 08-13-2012 08:08 AM

GLYAOYO (written out, anyway) would be another good option, I think.

Jason Weiser 08-13-2012 08:36 AM

Or, Red Diamond Six? A sly reference to CG, 5th Division as he delivers the fateful message. Sure, it violates a ton of net security procedures, but I figure if the Polish Army's outside your CP, CEOI's the least of your problems?

Marc 08-13-2012 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by HorseSoldier (Post 49201)
I also like Twilight Soldier. It's more evocative of the classic Escape from Kalisz, squad (-) trapped behind the lines, than names associated with .mil staff work and products.

I'd also suggest that rather than a 'zine with electronic issues, a better format might be a website hosting collaboratively hosting stuff written by various fans. That way, nobody has to worry about rushing to deadlines and such, and also rather than organizing by issue number, there could just be sections dedicated to adventure ideas, equipment, NPCs, source books, etc etc etc. Would (at least the way my mind works) make for easier finding of things of interest.

I think this would be a very good idea. Go in advance I’m not wishing to discourage anyone about the idea of a fanzine. I would be more than happy to contribute to such an initiative. But, based in past experiences, websites have their own advantages. I had been implied in a missed fanzine some time ago. Not about T2K, but about roleplaying games in general. Deadlines and the need to have a good number of materials before the “publication” of each number can be discouraging. As an example, in my own case, I failed to finish my work in time (I know, I have a personal problem with deadlines when not in my job). But now I’m able to keep updated my own website weekly, without the need to gather an important number of good playing materials for each update.

Some more advantages: The published materials are not “fixed”. If somebody has a good drawing inspired in a published content, you can add it. You can discover a new forum member with an interesting map about a published campaign and take advantage of it. You can arrange possible mistakes or upgrade the text based in the feedback received in this same forum. As everything, it is a learning process. I often discover that a page in my website that I thought was good enough back in its day, can be upgraded because I’ve learn a better way to put a photograph or to write the text. You can change the structure of the site to change the organization if needed. And, above all, you can update the site at your own rhythm. You can publish a new, brief, houserule one day while working in adapting somebody else long campaign. And it is possible to attach downloable “ready to print” recompilations with the “very best”

Some websites have not the feedback of a blog. But I’m sure this would not be the case, thanks to this forum.

Well, just my humble opinion. Anyway, fanzine or website, people must have a good time while contributing in the project. It's the only way that these initiatives work.

Rainbow Six 08-13-2012 12:49 PM

Twilight Redux


Goodnight Kalisz


Twilight's Last Gleaming

Twilight Soldier also sounds Ok to me.

Grimace 08-13-2012 09:45 PM

Sorry, I'm not going to do a website.

I sure would like people to contribute material to this, though, as it will be a good kick off even if someone else decides to do a community website.

Until such time, though, I plan on collecting material for a fanzine, assuming people want to see stuff for Twilight: 2000.

For the name, it sounds like we're narrowing it down to:
Twilight Soldier
Good Luck, You're on your Own!

I'm kind of leaning towards the latter, as it's very fitting for our twilight 2000 community.

As Jason said, he's the first to donate material. I'm hoping others of you will pony up some material as well to help make this a worthwhile thing. I'd hate to think that the fans of this game couldn't keep plenty of material getting fed to a project like this.

So let's go, guys! Even if you don't have something to give me right away, at least fire an email to me to let me know you're going to feed me some material. Twilightgrimace_at_gmail_dot_com

ArmySGT. 08-13-2012 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by Grimace (Post 49162)
Electron format.

I may also attempt to put it into a format that can be easily printed, but it'll initially be geared for electronic format only.

MS Office? 2003, 2007, or 2010?

Adobe .PDF

Image file format? .jpeg, .psd, .png ? .bmp?

File size limitations?

Grimace 08-13-2012 10:26 PM

I'll be putting it out in PDF format.
If that's what you're asking.

If you're asking what can be sent to me, the answer is:
Word, Plain Text, RTF, PDF

images in:
.jpg, .gif, .bmp, .png

file size limitation:
I think my google has something like a 10 gig capacity. I'd prefer them to NOT be quite that large, though, but if it needs to be I can handle it.

oh yeah...
I can work with zip files, but none of the other compressor/packers, so if you compress it, please use zip.

Rainbow Six 08-14-2012 02:02 AM

I'll send you some stuff at the weekend (I'm swamped with work at the moment so wont get a chance before then).

avantman42 08-14-2012 02:12 AM

The Falkland Islands sourcebook and Back to Blighty campaign on my website are both licensed under a Creative Commons licence. You're welcome to use them as long as you abide by the terms (I assume you'll be attributing anyway, so all you'd need to do is add a note that they're licensed under a CC-BY-NC-SA licence)

stg58fal 08-15-2012 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by Grimace (Post 49231)
For the name, it sounds like we're narrowing it down to:
Twilight Soldier
Good Luck, You're on your Own!


Just my own personal opinion, but I much prefer "Good Luck, You're On Your Own". Mostly because I was a Marine grunt, and over half my players in both T2K and T2K13 have been either Marines or Navy, with I think one wing wiper thrown in there. The GLYOYO title includes everyone, even civilians if you're playing intel types, a civilian campaign, or there's a journalist.

As I said, just a personal thing.

Targan 08-15-2012 11:16 PM

How about "Zen and the Art of Small Arms Maintenance"? :D

Grimace 08-18-2012 11:03 AM

So far I've received three email contributions to the fanzine, and a couple other people offering up material. I do appreciate what people have put in so far. I think it's looking like it could certainly be a good starting issue of the fanzine.

I could certainly use more, though! If you've got something hanging out in some forgotten folder on your computer, drag it out and send it my way. Even if I can't get it in this issue, it would be nice to have the material for a second issue ready to go.

Keep it coming guys!

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