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Rupert Willies 02-04-2009 04:44 AM

Energy crisis ahead
I came across this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midway-Sunset_Oil_Field
Says it's the third largest oil-field in the US. What happened to that one?
The whole of San Joaquin Valley is full of oil, who's got access to it?

FMDeCorba 02-04-2009 04:51 AM

Looks like the former head of Bakersfield HAD access to it..

headquarters 02-04-2009 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by FMDeCorba
Looks like the former head of Bakersfield HAD access to it..


the oilfields were part of a long brokered deal that ended with Bakersfield taking defacto control of them after the second Mexican War in 2014.

For a time they were under joint administration ,but this came to an end after the brief civil war between San Simeon and Bakersfield in 2014. (LA and Santa Maria were co-bellingerents but took no or little part in the actual fighting .They did use threathening language though .WillisCo supplied both sides .) The war was fought mainly as an airwar ,SanSimeons bombers wrought severe damage on several bakersfield installations forcing general Sanchez to sue for terms .Some territory shifted hands though ,mainly between Bakersfield and Santa Maria and Santa Maria and LA.Santa Maria and the house of takashi was deemed to have profitted the most from the war ,gaining a 50% increase in territory as well as valuable petroleum rights in its areas.

(see the PACGOV OIL DEAL also known as the PacGov Oil War )

TRIVIA: the war was never formally ended with only a cease fire coming into effect.The ceasefire still holds -for what thats worth.

most of the oilfields are blazing fires now ,after being attacked by conventional and nuclear weapons during the latter part of the 2nd American Civil War.

Production figures are not available for 2019 gametime actual.

Rupert Willies 02-04-2009 05:46 AM

Soo who's actually in control of these areas now? The basin is pretty big, and there is oil and gas to be pumped up all over the place.

headquarters 02-04-2009 06:10 AM

there is no control anywhere.

besides - finding out requires people on the ground.(aerial recce can only say wether or not there still is operations down there)

you can deduce from sharing intel and listening to whatever broadcasts comes out of th evalley as well as refugee interviews that its mayhem there now.

a first rate PC mission imho .

Rupert Willies 02-04-2009 07:23 AM

Blood for Oil, Cali style
I nominate this for a mission in the near future. We sorely need oil right now, and with it we can best our peers in no time.

FMDeCorba 02-04-2009 12:30 PM



Just in case we really need to get vehicles moving without oil. Apparently, it´s morte efficient(!) than methanol.

FMDeCorba 02-04-2009 12:54 PM

Or perhaps this stuff can be used:

headquarters 02-04-2009 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by FMDeCorba
Or perhaps this stuff can be used:

Now all you need is a FT plant,a gas ,major biomass or coal source and a few engineers and you are set .

Setting this up amidst the screaming hoardes that currently mill about where you are might be a problem though.

FMDeCorba 02-04-2009 01:30 PM

oh, well.

ever wanted a peek inside a bourbon factory?

headquarters 02-04-2009 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by FMDeCorba
oh, well.

ever wanted a peek inside a bourbon factory?

not really .I am going to Scotland in may though.shall try to see some whiskey making then.

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