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TiggerCCW UK 02-17-2009 05:45 AM

Crazy player acts/requests
Posting in the agility thread about my player with the GPMG down his trousers and the Model T with the .30 after option made me wonder about other crazy actions players have tried or requests they've made. Anyone got any classics?

I'll start the ball rolling with a quick couple of mine. Many years ago in one of the first CoC games I ever played ( we were at primary school at the time, probably 9 or 10 year olds) we had discovered a house that was being used as a cult HQ. Using the sewers we gained access to the basement of the house and broke open our crate of 100 Sticks of dynamite. Not sure why we had so much, or why we brought it all in with us, but hey ho. We carefully planted ten or so sticks, laid a long time fuse and cheesed it back through the drains. Sadly none of us specifically mentioned that we'd lifted the crate out with us, so the keeper ruled it was still in the basement when the others went off. At least it got rid of the cultists....

Many years later I was GMing Twilight at high school. I was taking a new group through the Castle by the Sea module, where you had to rescue some children from the castle. One of the PC's went into full on Rambo mode and decided to clear all the rooms in the castle by lobbing WP grenades into them - including the room where the kids where. Overcome with rage and killing or injuring all the kids he went on a rampage and kept the same tactic going, right up to the point where he WP'd the armoury and tried to argue that the wooden door would have shielded him from the blast.

As far as crazy requests go, I did have a civilian character in a UK campaign who reckoned a .454 Casull revolver was a likely starting weapon - in the UK all pistols are illegal unless they are .22 or smaller, and even then they are only target pistols, usually single shot. When I asked him would he like a LAW to go with it all he said was "Yeah, that'd be great". Munchkins, you got to love them!

headquarters 02-17-2009 06:55 AM

Lest we forget -gen pains old character Dvakim Bolt
A sort of weirdo character with a background as a drummer in the band Napalm Death ( best song "Physical Incarnal Death Manifestation") and also a former Navy Seal or some such .In the T2k setting we played in Poland he had reverted to wearing punker hair and some of the gear as well .The players got pushed into doing a dangerous mission on a Polish garrison town and complied -lured by the promise of whatever weapons they wanted to do the job .Dvakim wanted nervegas canisters ,flareguns,detonators ,WP grenades ,Raw heats and lots of explosives as well as ammo and a RPK etc .Grudginly I complied and gave him the stuff wondering that this might have been another dumb idea .The gear he stuffed in his backpack .

Later running down an alley ,chased by Polish forces he took several bursts to the back ,setting of everything nicely .

The others watched the flares signal his death from afar .

Adm.Lee 02-17-2009 11:42 AM

My players asked for gear for their vehicles.

"Can we weld a trash can to the outside of a HMMWV, and then mount two MGs in it, to make an armored twin-gun turret?" {Yes, but I should penalize the driver for the imbalance, and that's not good armor.}

"Can we mount speakers on the tank, and blast Steppenwolf on them?" {Yes, I gave them a tank, but no main-gun rounds, and made them pay lots in time and money for the fuel.}

TiggerCCW UK 02-17-2009 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Adm.Lee
"Can we weld a trash can to the outside of a HMMWV, and then mount two MGs in it, to make an armored twin-gun turret?"

Thats awesome! Can I steal that as inspiration for a marauder attack?

Caradhras 02-18-2009 01:30 AM

A player in my Polish TW2k campaign (the original) wanted to buy some flash-bangs as per SaS room clearance tool. I said that even in Krakow and knowing all the arms dealers these were far too obscure to get. So, he decided to make some with the help of the party CBE guy. After a while they were deemed to have made something to that effect but I said they were trial devices not tested on people so they wouldnt know their effectiveness until then.

So, to test and hone the efficiency of the devices, the said char (he had a long military background with some 'issues' from his service in the field - british para Falklands etc) decided to be the test dummy :P Despite the minor injuries and deep unpleasantness described he char now occaisionally tests the odd flash-bang...for fun..

He also has an unhealthy affection for 'Elouise', his PK gpmg.

TiggerCCW UK 02-18-2009 03:31 AM

Can't believe I forgot this one before! The first time I ran Dark Conspiracy was when I was at University, with a very mixed bag of players. One of them, lets call him Lord Munchkin, decided that he'd a background in weapons research and gun smithing. Due to his weapon background he managed to convince me that he'd start with a 20mm assault cannon - the one in the rule book, can't remember the name off hand. I'd just about been talked into this on the basis that his ammo would be rare as hens teeth and that if he ever used it the police, military, minions and his employers would be very interested when he decided to up the ante a bit. He announced that with his weapons experience and using the tools at his employers workshops that he wanted to mod the original cannon to fire fully automatic and take a belt rather than a box mag. Basically he wanted a 20mm SAW! When I refused this on the grounds that it was just mental he left the game in a huff!! Sometimes you just have to say no.

Marc 02-18-2009 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by TiggerCCW UK
Can't believe I forgot this one before! The first time I ran Dark Conspiracy was when I was at University, with a very mixed bag of players. One of them, lets call him Lord Munchkin, decided that he'd a background in weapons research and gun smithing. Due to his weapon background he managed to convince me that he'd start with a 20mm assault cannon - the one in the rule book, can't remember the name off hand. I'd just about been talked into this on the basis that his ammo would be rare as hens teeth and that if he ever used it the police, military, minions and his employers would be very interested when he decided to up the ante a bit. He announced that with his weapons experience and using the tools at his employers workshops that he wanted to mod the original cannon to fire fully automatic and take a belt rather than a box mag. Basically he wanted a 20mm SAW! When I refused this on the grounds that it was just mental he left the game in a huff!! Sometimes you just have to say no.

I can’t believe he didn’t ask you for a suppressor! They always must ask me for suppressors!:bash:

TiggerCCW UK 02-18-2009 04:38 AM

And an under barrel grenade launcher! And a bayonet/wire cutter/bottle opener combo.

General Pain 02-18-2009 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by TiggerCCW UK
Can't believe I forgot this one before! The first time I ran Dark Conspiracy was when I was at University, with a very mixed bag of players. One of them, lets call him Lord Munchkin, decided that he'd a background in weapons research and gun smithing. Due to his weapon background he managed to convince me that he'd start with a 20mm assault cannon - the one in the rule book, can't remember the name off hand. I'd just about been talked into this on the basis that his ammo would be rare as hens teeth and that if he ever used it the police, military, minions and his employers would be very interested when he decided to up the ante a bit. He announced that with his weapons experience and using the tools at his employers workshops that he wanted to mod the original cannon to fire fully automatic and take a belt rather than a box mag. Basically he wanted a 20mm SAW! When I refused this on the grounds that it was just mental he left the game in a huff!! Sometimes you just have to say no.

I think I would say yes....u may try,,,extremly difficult gunsmith-check - and any failure had chance of exploding or worse....

Don't say no - just determine difficulty hehe

Rupert Willies 02-18-2009 06:15 AM

trancending time and space, the general's sack
The strangeest thing is that to this day, his character(s) still carry that very backpack with him. Even more incredible than the backpack being transported through time and space, is the fact that it has been spacially enlarged on the inside since back in the days when it was more or less a regular, though large backpack. Last time I saw it, it held 10 RPG-7's (loaded) in addition to the usual gear the General carries with him, two shotguns, a bunch of grenades and some more ammo. :D


Originally Posted by headquarters
A sort of weirdo character with a background as a drummer in the band Napalm Death ( best song "Physical Incarnal Death Manifestation") and also a former Navy Seal or some such .In the T2k setting we played in Poland he had reverted to wearing punker hair and some of the gear as well .The players got pushed into doing a dangerous mission on a Polish garrison town and complied -lured by the promise of whatever weapons they wanted to do the job .Dvakim wanted nervegas canisters ,flareguns,detonators ,WP grenades ,Raw heats and lots of explosives as well as ammo and a RPK etc .Grudginly I complied and gave him the stuff wondering that this might have been another dumb idea .The gear he stuffed in his backpack .

Later running down an alley ,chased by Polish forces he took several bursts to the back ,setting of everything nicely .

The others watched the flares signal his death from afar .

headquarters 02-18-2009 06:39 AM

General Pains backpack
[QUOTE=Rupert Willies]The strangeest thing is that to this day, his character(s) still carry that very backpack with him. Even more incredible than the backpack being transported through time and space, is the fact that it has been spacially enlarged on the inside since back in the days when it was more or less a regular, though large backpack. Last time I saw it, it held 10 RPG-7's (loaded) in addition to the usual gear the General carries with him, two shotguns, a bunch of grenades and some more ammo. :D[/QUOTE

You will laugh when he takes those bursts to the back next time though ..

General Pain 02-18-2009 08:25 AM

I'm sensing some anti-general painism.........

for clarification:

The backpack/bag is a 2000litre version of the bag HQ transports his roleplayingstuff in at sessions....

And since I am allways encumbered and a cripple I guess any agility feats are out of the question...

and in addition my character is a misunterstood,person with alcohol and substance abuse problems* (if u can call it that) who only demand
blind and total loyalty from his followers, pretty standard for a warlord in a T2K setting...

*=the problem part is that there is harder and harder to get some good pre-pre-pre-prewar booze.

Adm.Lee 02-18-2009 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by TiggerCCW UK
Thats awesome! Can I steal that as inspiration for a marauder attack?

You go right ahead, I'm not going to stand in the way of that speeding vehicle!

chico20854 02-18-2009 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by Adm.Lee
"Can we weld a trash can to the outside of a HMMWV, and then mount two MGs in it, to make an armored twin-gun turret?" {Yes, but I should penalize the driver for the imbalance, and that's not good armor.}

The only problem with that plan is that a HMMWV squad carrier roof is either vinyl or fiberglass. The up-armored ones (which only became prevalent in the late 1990s for Balkan peace-keeping missions and were rare outside there) had aluminum armored roofs.

But cool idea!

TiggerCCW UK 02-18-2009 10:52 AM

Epoxy resin? I'll maybe just do it with a civvie vehicle instead - a mini van with a turret perhaps. Otoh its too good an idea to waste, I'll just fudge it.

chico20854 02-18-2009 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by TiggerCCW UK
Epoxy resin? I'll maybe just do it with a civvie vehicle instead - a mini van with a turret perhaps. Otoh its too good an idea to waste, I'll just fudge it.

Right, maybe later-war HMMWVs had a steel roof, or they cut through the armor to get to the steel "roll-bar" type structure!

kato13 02-18-2009 06:23 PM

These vehicle modification ideas are starting to give me A-team flashbacks.

Legbreaker 02-18-2009 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by TiggerCCW UK
Epoxy resin? I'll maybe just do it with a civvie vehicle instead - a mini van with a turret perhaps. Otoh its too good an idea to waste, I'll just fudge it.

A minivan, with a turret mounting a minigun perhaps?


Targan 02-18-2009 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by General Pain
The backpack/bag is a 2000litre version of the bag HQ transports his roleplayingstuff in at sessions....

Either that was a typo and you meant to say 200 litre bag, or HQ has a LOT of role playing gear to move around.

Legbreaker 02-18-2009 08:57 PM

Even 200 litres is HUGE. That's roughly the same size as a 44 gallon oil drum.

Targan 02-18-2009 10:36 PM

Agreed. So I'm thinking it would be somewhat... erm... impractical to have a bag or backback that could hold 2 tonnes of water!!!

Legbreaker 02-18-2009 11:00 PM

Oh I don't know. Could be handy to have a backpack the size of a small truck....
After all, we're only talking about a capacity of approximately 4,400 pounds!


Marc 02-19-2009 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by kato13
These vehicle modification ideas are starting to give me A-team flashbacks.

Granted... :D


pmulcahy11b 02-19-2009 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by Legbreaker
A minivan, with a turret mounting a minigun perhaps?


I once had a player who wanted to mount an M-2HB on a CUCV (basically, a militarized SUV), no special roof, no pintle mount, no post mount, just a reinforced lip with a pintle mount. I let him do it. And the second burst he fired, the pintle mount broke loose -- I went easy on him and gave his character a broken nose and generally all-over-the-face bruise.

headquarters 02-19-2009 05:44 AM


Originally Posted by Legbreaker
Even 200 litres is HUGE. That's roughly the same size as a 44 gallon oil drum.

I guess my pack is app 140 L .

I hate having a stuffed bag -but there is plenty of room left after I put my change of underwear and the 30 pounds of roleplaying kit in there .

gen Pains character trudges along at a slow pace , heavily armoured with a 200 L bag on his back .He makes a huge target.

Thanks for reminding me for the nxt FtF. Must add half of the missed D6 to any burst in his direction just for sheer size of target .

Targan 02-19-2009 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by headquarters
Gen Pains character trudges along at a slow pace, heavily armoured with a 200 L bag on his back. He makes a huge target.

Doesn't General Pain have an artificial leg? Pretty impressive mobility for an amputee with a huge load on his back.

headquarters 02-19-2009 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by Targan
Doesn't General Pain have an artificial leg? Pretty impressive mobility for an amputee with a huge load on his back.

he is an amputee , he has got a custom made state of the art prosthetic leg ( and arm) that allows him to be in the field at all .

He usually comes trudging up behind the others at 1/2 or 1/4 movement-
or is supposed to anyways - I forget that he is encumbered .(He "forgets" to mention this too sometimes).

weswood 02-19-2009 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by headquarters
he is an amputee , he has got a custom made state of the art prosthetic leg ( and arm) that allows him to be in the field at all .

Considering the condition of the world, is "state of the art" a wooden peg and steel hook? :confused:

pmulcahy11b 02-19-2009 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by weswood
Considering the condition of the world, is "state of the art" a wooden peg and steel hook? :confused:

There's an old saying, "World War 3 will be fought with nuclear weapons. World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones."

headquarters 02-20-2009 12:37 AM

yes and no

Originally Posted by weswood
Considering the condition of the world, is "state of the art" a wooden peg and steel hook? :confused:

The party have been playing a warlordish campaign were they have been the masters of considerable lands and resources ( nothing compared to pre war levels and squalor indeed for the man in the debris strewn street ), but they have diverted as much of gross national product as they have felt they needed to whatever pet project they have had .The prosthetics project was such an undertaking - clearly a case of scandal but as critics were sent to abestos producing facilities if found guilty not many said anything .

If the last ones give out though-steelhook it is..:D

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