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Raellus 12-28-2022 10:56 AM

Favorite Campaign Setting
I hope this isn't a repeat poll, but I ran a search and didn't come across one like it. Options listed are those for which a sourcebook or multiple canonical modules are currently available. I'd love to hear your "why" in the comments.


Heffe 12-28-2022 11:25 AM

No Sweden option? :P

Rainbow Six 12-28-2022 11:31 AM

You left out the UK as well. Not that I blame you for forgetting about the canon Survivor's Guide to the United Kingdom - I mean, I can't for the life of me imagine why anyone would want to use it but it does exist. :D

Raellus 12-28-2022 12:03 PM

I knew I was missing something. Added UK and Sweden to the poll options.


Ursus Maior 12-28-2022 03:33 PM

I miss Germany on the list, but I would be really interested in a campaign set in former Yugoslavia and the Adriatic Balkans.

Raellus 12-28-2022 06:19 PM

I can add Germany to the list. I'd forgotten about how much information on the country was provided by Going Home. I wouldn't consider GH a sourcebook, per se, but it probably contains enough to qualify Germany for the poll.


shrike6 12-28-2022 09:31 PM

No Mexico? Satellite Down gives background on Mexico.

Raellus 12-29-2022 09:02 AM

Sins of Omission

Originally Posted by shrike6 (Post 93881)
No Mexico? Satellite Down gives background on Mexico.


Originally Posted by Raellus (Post 93868)
Options listed are those for which a sourcebook or multiple canonical modules are currently available.

If every location mentioned in a single adventure module or unofficial sourcebook were included in the poll, the list would be too long. For example, I would have to include Spain, Sicily, Libya, Greece, and Turkey, just from Mediterranean Cruise, Ukraine from Bear's Den, and/or Austria from my unofficial sourcebook on same. The list could go on.


Drgonzo2011 12-29-2022 09:37 AM

Deep in the heart of Texas
I ran a Texas Rangers game for a while. Definitely my favorite. My world background was different (very few nukes, no Federal government split, a lot more Soviet troops in the south (basically, all of the force that in canon are fiddling around in Alaska/BC are in Texas), as well as large numbers of Latin American forces...I was going for the Red Dawn feel (child of the 80s here), but on the US side of the front. Scenarios were a mix of military (Rangers served as scouts and resistance liaisons), disaster relief and law enforcement (One of the most memorable scenarios was the team having to find and take out a meth lab in a refugee camp).

shrike6 12-29-2022 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Raellus (Post 93883)
Options listed are those for which a sourcebook or multiple canonical modules are currently available.

So Satellite Down isnt a sourcebook? Is that why the quote is being used? I could make a case Pacific Northwest isnt canon because it directly contradicts both the US and American Vehicle Guides. I'm not going to because setting aside the author's error, the PNW module is well written plus the most important part. It was approved by GDWs successor FFE. Despite what you think of Satellite Down, it was published by GDW or FFE or agent of. It is a canonical sourcebook just like PNW. Get over it.


Originally Posted by Raellus (Post 93883)
If every location mentioned in a single adventure module or unofficial sourcebook were included in the poll, the list would be too long. For example, I would have to include Spain, Sicily, Libya, Greece, and Turkey, just from Mediterranean Cruise, Ukraine from Bear's Den, and/or Austria from my unofficial sourcebook on same. The list could go on.

I'll admit saying Mexico was a stretch on my end but it does provide enough detail for you to run a campaign in the Baja Pennisula/Gulf of California region if you miss the boat at the end of the adventure. It spells out where the various Mexican factions are in control within that region all the way up to the US border. Which if you look at a map is a significant region geographically I highly doubt you could do the same with Mediterranean Cruise and Spain. In the end, your poll but your logic sucks.

Tegyrius 12-29-2022 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by shrike6 (Post 93886)
So Satellite Down isnt a sourcebook? Is that why the quote is being used? I could make a case Pacific Northwest isnt canon because it directly contradicts both the US and American Vehicle Guides. I'm not going to because setting aside the author's error, the PNW module is well written plus the most important part. It was approved by GDWs successor FFE. Despite what you think of Satellite Down, it was published by GDW or FFE or agent of. It is a canonical sourcebook just like PNW. Get over it.

Since you brought it up, I have never claimed that Pacific Northwest is canon (nor, for the record, have I ever asked Marc to declare it as such). I'm mildly interested in your thoughts on how it "contradicts" the US Army Vehicle Guide and the American Combat Vehicle Handbook. I believe the unit histories I wrote for both the 47th ID and the 104th ID are aligned with the capsules presented in those original works. I didn't mention the Montana portion of the 104th's assigned AO when describing its current operations, but that's because Montana was not within the sourcebook's scope.

Also, and not speaking for Raellus here, I usually differentiate between "sourcebook," which focuses primarily on profiling a geographic area or other tools for play, and "module," which focuses primarily on providing the events and script for a defined adventure. While I won't claim that there's a universal lexicon in the RPG publishing industry, that's the terminology I've generally seen used in my circles.

- C.

Rainbow Six 12-29-2022 01:34 PM

<Start Mod Post>

Speaking in an official capacity as a Moderator can I firstly point out that there is an option called ‘Other’ so if anyone does wish to vote for a locale not included in the poll’s options it’s relatively straightforward to do so. If you feel so motivated to do so you could even start a thread of your own pertaining to said preference in which all members can discuss it.

More importantly, as per the forum guidelines we can all agree to disagree but let's make sure to do so respectfully. No name-calling, sarcasm, or other childishness is appropriate or welcome here.

So let’s knock off telling people to get over it or that their logic sucks just because you don't agree with it please.


<End Mod Post>

Rainbow Six 12-29-2022 01:56 PM

And now I should vote...

Only being able to choose one is quite tricky. My earlier joking aside, I would like to run a UK campaign at some point in time using my own material. Seems a bit silly to have spent all that time writing the damn thing and never using it but hey, it’s finding the time…

I played in a SW USA game a few years ago that made me think that area has a huge amount of potential. And those who know a certain German Captain that I’ve been running since 2015 know of my fondness for Germany, particularly the bigger picture.

Ultimately though, I can only vote for one so I went for the NW USA. Why? Because I I’d like to do something different and I think the PNW sourcebook is crammed full of material that I’d love to play through. Hence my vote, which is cast through the lens of a player (if I was voting as a GM I’d likely have opted for the UK).

chico20854 12-29-2022 06:32 PM

I've always been intrigued with the idea of an extended campaign in the southern Caribbean, using some of the assets liberated by the presumed PC victory over the NA-pirate force in Gateway to the Spanish Main. Grenada doesn't seem to be so bad off - plentiful food, no heavily armed marauders or enemy troops after the defeat of the pirates, reliable transport in the form of PC-scale sailing craft...

Ckosacranoid 12-31-2022 01:00 PM

Since a mod said something about things, I have to leave this kinda silly comment.

If your game is set on Mars, It is going to suck for two reasons.
1. How in the world did they even get to Mars?
2. They are all dead, with No air to breathe.

So I would have to say any game taking place on Mars would suck for a place to play in less you are running some very, very weird alt-world stuff.

pmulcahy11b 12-31-2022 02:13 PM

The favorite campaign I ran took place in Florida (though it started in New York), so I put Other.

Spartan-117 12-31-2022 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Ckosacranoid (Post 93906)
Since a mod said something about things, I have to leave this kinda silly comment.

If your game is set on Mars, It is going to suck for two reasons.
1. How in the world did they even get to Mars?
2. They are all dead, with No air to breathe.

So I would have to say any game taking place on Mars would suck for a place to play in less you are running some very, very weird alt-world stuff.

Dry January is coming brother. Try it!

ToughOmbres 01-01-2023 10:13 AM

Poland (the Kalisz-Vistula-Warsaw trilogy) followed by Germany then back to CONUS was our character/game group arc. My preference may be tinted by nostalgia but it worked well when we played.

Sith 01-01-2023 12:18 PM

Kinda gotta go with Poland on this one. No other setting has that T2K “feeling” in my distorted brain.

bobcat 01-06-2023 02:20 PM

i gotta go with Poland. it just has the right feel. which kinda sucks considering they get the short end of the stick in every world war.

Higgipedia 01-12-2023 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by bobcat (Post 93937)
i gotta go with Poland. it just has the right feel. which kinda sucks considering they get the short end of the stick in every world war.

Yeah, they were definitely cursed with geography that is easily invaded.

kcdusk 05-05-2024 12:03 AM

Poland for me, on timeline V1.0.

After that, its modern times in the worlds various hot spots as and when they occur.

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