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Old 10-13-2008, 01:24 AM
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Originally Posted by jester
Yes, my initial degee was focused on History as well, and I would assume most people here are big into the study of history as well. Thus we often can disgress into discussions as to historical events that go on.

Some ideas from your post which are interesting and I can see the basis for campaigns or characters.

The Dr, who rode with the guns. I could see that happening in the T2K world. Where a Dr, or a Judge or a local Sheriff all would ride via horseback or carriage around a county or group of towns and villages, much like the old time circuit judge did which is where we in the US get the term Circuit Court.

If someone needs routine medical treatment, then they wait and this time of monnth the Dr will be in town, or if you need him now you must got to this town, or send a runner fo him there.

Someone is pending a criminal charge, well the Sheriff will be here next week and look into it. Or the local constable will just lock the offender up until the Judge arrives and a trial can be held.

Even teachers, the children are assigned homework and then it is checked weekly when the teacher arrives, then you get your new lessen and the teacher moves on to the next community.

Just some ideas for communities that are semi organized.

The thing about the teacher you mentioned makes me think about the Australian system -were isolated farms etc have vets,docs,teachers etc check in over the CB radio every week or some such .

About the doctor on horseback - I find it interesting to say the kleast that he was still living with a feudal mentality in the 1990s.."I owned that guy so it was only fair that I did justice.."

The dismemberment of law will undoubtedly lead to feudalism or as we call it in our campaign -"neo-feudalism" my humble opinion of course.

As for real life scenarios to inspire - an island ,semi isolated , outside the south coast were we used to live is very religious. When some hippies move dout there to live on the farm in the early 1980s ,the stern men of the congregation couldnt take the lifestyle .People with little clothes on ,children runing around nekkid etc )
When the family was in town to resupply ,the house mysteriously and inexplicably burned to the ground .The family left teh island .

(there is a bridge now,and and sort of a "green line" between the religious and the ordinary folk there now..I guess you could say that its normalizing-or stewing slowly and ripening for civil war.A prospect many of the small conflicts of everyday society would lead to in T2k world..).
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