Thread: War Dogs...
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Old 07-20-2009, 05:53 AM
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Mohoender Mohoender is offline
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I agree with Targ General. Moroever, your pictures can give us some great ideas about unusual animals. I agree with what you say about dogs and masters (owners). Nevertheless, some dogs can be nuts while every dog is not well suited for every tasks.

Coming back on the French shorthair shepperds: They were great as guard (attacking in silence, refusing outside food) and for rescue (even untrained). Someone, fall from his motorbike in my place and the dogs came to his rescue, moving the bike away. I also used to go with both dogs (a 116lb oversize male and a much smaller 85lb female) for long night walks and that was a lot of fun as the female was helping me walking when it was becoming too dark. On the other hand, they killed a few dozen sheeps, decapitated another dog...

Another downside with these dogs is that you can't train them to wound people (when they move against someone, it's always for the kill). Moreover, when they attack, you can't stop them before they kill their target unless you want to end up as dead meat. In addition, you need to have a female and a male (two males or two females will kill eachother). Then, my dogs had a very intersting tactics when attacking (it happened once with gipsies who barely escaped by jumping of the wall): the male was attacking from the front while the female was attacking (simultaneously and silently) from the back.

This is, of course, an exemple but you'll find different things for every dog. In my opinion, when allowing dogs, a GM should do some reasearch (limited ones) in order to add some reality.

I don't know if that story is true as I just found it on wiki (I ask the californians??): "In southern California in 2009, three chihuahuas protected their master, a three year old girl, from a 100 pound mountain lion".

I can believe it as (before the beauceron) I had a dachshund (15 cm long body) that finished its life hunting wild boars.
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