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Old 07-29-2009, 04:32 PM
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Default Slightly OT: A new project and the first doubt

Bona nit!

After some months of chatting about the matter our group ha decided that we have enough material to begin working in our own website. We will have contents of the different roleplaying games we are running. Right now, some materials from Dark Conspiracy, Twilight:2000, Traveller TNE and GURPS are nearly ready to be posted. Although the contents of the website will be written in Catalan and in Spanish, some aids for GM belonging to roleplaying games that never has been translated to Spanish would be in English. Things like GM screens or Character Sheets, etc. For example, we are working right now in a fully automated character sheet for Twilight, to allow the players to generate their characters following the entire process of character generation according to the v2.2 set of rules and produce a printable "sheet" with all the needed parameters, included vehicle and weapon parameters.

Anyway, we are still working in the "big lines" and some doubts have emerged in the previous conversations. I'm sure some of you can help us. To begin with one of them: the pictures and drawings. We have one illustrator in our ranks, but the general agreement is to use real pictures for Twilight. And now is when the ghost of the copyrights and all the related stuff has appeared...although I'm realizing right now my careless and enthusiastic way to post pictures in the "post-apocalyptic picture thread" of this forum...ehemmm...

So, any feedback about that? Must we be worried about the matter? Any way to know if a picture is "free"? Any interesting website known for you to look for these "free images"?

Thanks in advance!!
L'Argonauta, rol en català
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