Thread: Prisons
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Old 10-16-2008, 01:48 AM
jester jester is offline
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The thing going for a prison is it is built to house large numbers of people. And it has a large number of people.

So, if you want to make it secure on the outside well, you have the labor to do it. I think a set of simple defenses could be made in a short amoung of time with the prisoners.

I am thinking a punji pit on the outside of the wire, a berm on the outside of that, with a fighting trench and another berm <I am big on a double berm as it can throw off rockets grenade rounds and observation> and then another punji pit around that, with a couple of bridges or as I call them choke points for access into the entances. And make them sunken roads to fuirther channel an attacker. And that would make it difficult and hopefully discourage attackers.
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