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Old 08-29-2009, 11:23 AM
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Rainbow Six Rainbow Six is offline
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Originally Posted by sglancy12 View Post
Anyone else have a preference here? A barely functioning post Apartheid South Africa, probably lead by Nelson Mandela... the one guy the blacks would support and who wouldn't indulge in bloody revenge on the whites... This state would be besieged by armies of refugees and marauders pouring into the relative stability of South Africa, overrunning farms and looting communities.

...or a besieged apartheid South Africa, probably led by F.W. de Klerk, or a more reactionary Afrikaner President elected during the 1994 presidential race. This state would be besieged from within and without, fighting a very ugly race war. This war would turn much of South Africa into a war zone, and it would therefore be less attractive to refugees seeking safety. But perhaps foreign marauders would enter the country claiming to be there to liberate the place from "White Colonialism," only to loot and pillage any ethnic group that has something they want. This "race-war" South Africa is going to be a place of bloody absolutes and total war against civilians and soldiers.

Which one would make for a more likely scenario?

And which one would make for a more interesting role-playing environment for your players?

A. Scott Glancy, President TCCorp, dba Pagan Publishing
Just a few very quick thoughts on this....

Personally I think the most likely scenario would probably be the first one, with Mandela elected in 1994 as he was in real life.

I do wonder, though, whether even if you go with option one South Africa would have remained intact and stable as a country following the world wide chaos of a Twilight War or whether it would have fragmented into a number of different mini States, probably based along tribal lines? This might give the opportunity for a role play environment similar to that outlined in option two (which does strike me as the more interetsing of the two)?

Author of the unofficial and strictly non canon Alternative Survivor’s Guide to the United Kingdom
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