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Old 10-18-2008, 04:01 AM
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Targan Targan is offline
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From what I have seen of the new rules system I think one of the best aspects of the new Twilight will be you can choose between three levels of rules complexity. I know that many die hard old school T2Kers will take one look at the new setting and timeline and shun T:2013 for that aspect alone but who says you have to use the new timeline? The new rules would work fine with the original T2K timeline and look to me like they might be the cure for the myriad shortcomings of v1, v2 and v2.2.

The original v1 rules were great compared to many other systems created before or around the same time but had some strange quirks. V2 and v2.2 had the benefit of an extra decade of RPG development but followed that unfortunate trend of being dumbed down in an attempt to appeal to a wider audience and focus on "role playing not roll playing" (I never subscribed to that school of RPG design philosophy). The new rules stand on the shoulders of 33 years of RPG history and have been crafted by intelligent people, the vast majority of whom have been avid T2Kers in years gone by. Highly unlikely they're going to stuff it up a la the unholy fecal cerebral vandalism that is 4th ed D&D by those slack jawed and drooling retards at Wizards of the Coast.
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