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Old 09-05-2009, 08:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Traveller View Post
Interesting to read the other changes, but I must say I'm disappointed to see all the 'backing away' from the sci-fi aspects of the game...

Myself, I use a fair amount of sci-fi in my game - not so much that it hits the PCs over the head, but its around them, its part of the backstory, etc...

I have moon bases, functional space stations (plural), re-usable nuclear/fusion shuttles; pre-war cloning; laser, gauss, and rail weapons; 2nd generation robotics and automatons; hot AND cold fusion in both pre and post ruin times. Oh well, to each his own, as long as everyone is having fun.

Like just about everyone else, my campaign is run differently than originally written. My war takes place on 3 July 1998, and I have dropped a few of the 'canon' groups such as Maxwell's Militia, and totally reorganized 'Snake Eaters' in my own image - Project Shadowjack.

My project runs on a typical pyramid command structure, using regional command bases, 'in-field' group commanders, and is organized into what I consider a 'proper' structure.

I also use surviving nations and cultures (South American Federation, Australia, three different African alliances, all working to be top dog on what's left of Earth) and an off-world society (moon and space stations) that look down their fragile noses at the 'barbarians' on Earth.

I find many of the ideas posted here interesting...oh, and if anyone is interested in learnign more - I'm more than happy to share...


I pretty much stick to hard science although I do stretch things a bit with the "Art Bell" topics like UFO's, Atlantis survivors and so on, as long as I can come up with a semi-plausible way. I like the idea of space stations and a Moon base, or even one on Mars looking down on us "barbarians." I had something like that in a PBEM I was in where my group had contact with a space station. I'm going to start up as game soon and for some reason, I'm not too hip on fusion since we are still trying to get it to work. So either eventually my game will degrade into a Twilight: 2000 style "fuel trek" or maybe I can use micro-fission piles instead with something like a 50 year lifespan.

Chuck M.
Slave to 1 cat.
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