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Old 10-20-2008, 01:32 AM
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Antenna Antenna is offline
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Tell you a story where I overcome a whole factory departments hatred towards me with the help of a simple door. It started way long before my extra work for the finals at a mining company. I had been promsied a office so I could do work. after 4½ months of hell of my 7 months I finally get my office. And I finally get to work and write my work to finish of my course in reality. But the bad thing was I had to have my office door open to the controlroom, so a trick in the bag was to do "the scotty" to talk to the computer and ask for it to compute and work for me without touching any keys or mouse (did the work home at my home for the moment). The workers got really affraid, then when I asked "Do you still hear me computer, do you cope with that last request..." and I start to use keyboard and mouse to work as normal I felt how tense the atmosphere amongs the workers was. Then when I just started to get a feel for more tension I said "Oki computer esper-link up, I need eighteen layers of dimension on the processor." Then workers freaked and one got into my office asking "What are you doing?" I answered in a trance "I wooooooork!". And he turns around running out of my office where the door is open saying "He says what he does!!!" That was enough for me, I shouted towards the computer "WHO THE HELL WAS THAT !" And then turns with fury in my eyes towards the controlroom. It is so freaking silent so you can hear a rat fart in a 5 miles radius. Slowly I get up from my chair asking again "Who the hell was that!". "Was it you!" I point towards the most noiciest of the workers. He just says "no". "SO WHO THE HELL WAS IT!" noone answers and I take a good look on them all (I know who it was.) And then I look on the guilty one, an 350ibs worker who tries diet. And I start talking to him with topics that interupts his diet. Then I get back to my officechair and start to appoulogize the computer for beeing rude and not following rules and seem to have a really tense moment like you really fucked up a relationship with a your dearest thing (the aldy or kids). And suddenly get an explanation from the computer that it wasn't your fault but the workers. And then just SLAMS the door to the office... It takes the boss 7 seconds to get out of his office and he shouts "WHO THE HELL WAS THAT!" I just smiles. I hear thru the door one of the workers starting to explain all that bull with talking with computers etc and after 5 minutes the boss gets into my office without knocking on the door. I sit catatonically there and tries to explain that the computer is dead. The boss starts to say "Talk to the computer again." "It doesn't matter"; I say "she is dead, my wonderful thought disapeered." "You can reconstruct your thought." the boss says. "No not this thought." I say. And then angrilly turns to the boss and saying "You didn't knock on the door, so you just fuck off!"
Policy next in the controlroom is all must knock on office doors when entering.
Then it is 2 o'clock, my smoketime so I get out of my office SLAMS the door and a worker asks "Where are you going?" I just say; "To fuck your wife in the arse!" and take a 15 minutes long smokeing brake and 3 cigarettes, I ask myself where the hell can I find a decent job where I calmly can do a proper job without questions what I had for dinner last night and jokes from the boss on what food I might prefeer or not. So I go in towards the office/controlroom area and there they sit the workers who hasn't moved for 2 hours from their chairs. And the same question arises "Where haev you been?" The answer was "She was firm and nice to me !" and then when I get into my office I SLAMS the door again. The boss is out of his office and shouts teach that spoiled brat how to shut a door. The boss from hell he was and I gonna brake him I thought. One of the workers knocks on the door and tries to harass me into fury. I just take him by the neck and lead him out of MY office with the words "If you have any good to say, then spit it out else keep your hands from my office, you fuck." SLAM.
5 minutes later there is a small knock and the same guy who had no eerand before is back, I gonna teach you how to close the door. So we get out of the office and practice how to shut the door from the OUTSIDE of the office. I get back to my office with a SLAM. 5 minutes later i have an urge of getting to the factory area and gets out silently and say "See I can close the door..." and silently close the door. I go out in the factory for 10 minutes and then get back to the office/controlroom area and into my office witha SLAM.
Next up is meeting with boss I get into the room carefully closes the door, he explains that shuting doors like that is not company policy. "Fuck your wife in the weekend it will be nice for you!" Then I get out of his office with a SLAM in the door. So this keeps up the office for 3 days with me SLAMing the door from one side but not the other. Then the whole office has a meeting with me and the boss will call the police, I say "Yeah why not so they can hear my theory of murder you are cooking on!" The boss just does a big GULP. "But you can hear a little bit of my theory of reversed mill operation instead." And when I expalined some of that new area of knowledge the boss just begs of haveing it that I give it to him. Of course I say "fuck you"

I call it revenge for a bad time at a mining company

SISU - the ability to show the warrior inside you in the right moment
SISUKNIPPEN - many of those with SISU
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