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Old 09-15-2009, 02:28 AM
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Originally Posted by General Pain View Post
IMHO - I think the whole global warming shit is just bullshit - it's all invented by AL GORE - and the other moey hungry bankers of the current staff of Obama,.,,,,a tad political I know but after I saw "the Obama Deception" I must admit I was convinced.
For the record the concept of global warming was around for decades before Al Gore took up the banner about it. The vast majority of scientists in the world agree that the current acceleration of global warming is man-made. And if you are ascribing money as a reason behind the positions of the global warming believers or sceptics just ask yourself this - who stands to make more money, those who say global warming is real and we should do something about human-caused CO2 emissions, or those who want to maintain the status quo and have us continue to burn fossil fuels? The answer is blindingly obvious. The the rich old men with the greatest investment in the burning of fossil fuels will be dead and gone by the time global warming really starts to destroy the world as we know it so they really have nothing to lose.

Listen to the scientific consensus. Follow the money trails. Question motives. And don't fall into the trap of saying "If God wants the sea levels to rise there is nothing we can do about it". In this case, the future is in our hands, not the almighty's. And God helps those who help themselves.

These are my beliefs and opinions and are no more or less valid than anyone else's.
"It is better to be feared than loved" - Nicolo Machiavelli
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