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Old 09-21-2009, 07:47 PM
Matt W Matt W is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 313

A campaign beginning:

The player characters awake from their cryosleep - and find themselves surrounded by women. But it's not good news...

The women explain that

1. they are the (unwilling) staff of a Krell 'Rest & Recreation' facility - which is a cross between a brothel, a hospital and a casino. This has recently been built over the PC's Morrow Project bolthole (which was originally hidden in the grounds of a Motel). Incidentally, the facility (known as Madam Kitty's) uses the bolthole's fusion powerplant for electricity.

2. The Warriors of Krell found the bolthole 2 months ago and removed almost everything (except the cryosleep containers)

3. Almost all of the equipment and ALL of the weaponry has been removed.

4. Thanks to a deception by one of the ladies (an Emdee) The Krell think that the PCs died in cryosleep - they've been kept as organ donors.

5. The ladies offer to help the MP personnel. They will provide corpses to fill the cryotubes (don't ask too many questions). BUT - in return - they want to be trained to fight and use 'modern' weapons. The ladies plan to kill LOTS of Krell and then liberate their homes/families. They need a Morrow Project 'cover' - because otherwise Krell would simply wipeout their families.

How it goes from here depends on what sort of game that the players like

Option 1: everything is straightforward and the ladies are all sincere
Option 2: one or more is actually a Krell agent, trying to get the PC's to identify the location of their caches or supply base
Option 3: The characters can reach the caches with 'loads-a-guns'
Option 4: No guns in caches. The characters have to get weapons from somewhere else (a trading mission?)

I'd suggest that the players have to hide out in 'Madame Kitty's' (disguised as slave pool boys? or janitors?) for weeks while they train the ladies - then give them a satisfying firefight with some Krell.
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