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Old 10-11-2009, 07:37 AM
Matt W Matt W is offline
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Originally Posted by scholar rat View Post
If you didn't want to Use the Morrow Project rules. What would be the Best system for Morrow Project? and why?
I've run TMP with a slightly-modified White Wolf system. This was for a group that had never even SEEN a percentage-based system (but knew the WoD system). I had to design the character sheet but - after that - they could produce a character in minutes and start playing immediately.

Don't get me wrong, I like the % system. But you have to tailor your game to your 'audience' and this is a god thing. It can give you new ideas.

For example, if anyone has the time and money, I recommend picking up a copy of the 'Jeremiah' RPG (based on the TV series) it's GOOD - even if it is the D20 system. and its supplement 'Thunder Mountain' could easily replace the TMP Prime Base module
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