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Old 01-08-2010, 07:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Webstral View Post
The Soviets meant to nuke Paris, but all the fluffy bunnies playing on top of the missile ruined the launch, thereby cauising the warhead to detonate over Canada. When the Soviets tried again with an SLBM, frolicking dolphins valiently battered the missile with their noses, causing it to fly to the wrong target--which happened to be in England. The third attempt came from one of the few remaining nuclear-capable bombers in the Soviet arsenal. Sadly for the Soviets, the Tooth Fairy had a lot of business in Paris that night and caused the bomber to crash (and the weapon to detonate) in Germany. The Soviets made one more attempt with an IRBM. This time, the Irish, who have long harbored sentiments of fraternity and brotherhood with the French because they both dislike the Brits, sent their elite Leprechaun Strike Team to redirect the nuke. The little blighters meant the target to be in southern England. Faerie magic being somewhat unreliable, the best they could do was to destroy Brussels. You could blame the Irish for the destruction of Brussels, but we must remember that the Irish only helped the French because they both dislike the Brits. So really, you need to blame the British--which is what we of Irish blood always do anyway.

Having failed so many times to deal with France, the Soviets gave it all up as a bad job and consigned themselves to living under the rule of the next Napoleon, who was certain to emerge in a France that held a (preventably)commanding lead over her neioghbors in post-war Europe.
Glad to see it isn't just my campaign that contains supernatural elements
"It is better to be feared than loved" - Nicolo Machiavelli
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