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Old 01-24-2010, 01:22 PM
Owen E Oulton Owen E Oulton is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 43
Default Introduction

I spent a few years in the Canadian Armed Forces Primary Land Reserves (a.k.a. Militia), West Nova Scotia, D Company, 2 Platoon way back in the late 1970's, and reached the lofty rank of Corporal. I ran into the Morrow Project game back in 1981 when I was working at Odyssey 2000 book store in Halifax, and ran it as-is for a couple of years. I'm currently running a campaign using the Twilight:2000 v2.2 rules, set in the Annapolis Valley in 2150. My "end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it" (EOTWAWKI) is centred around Y2K and an alien incident (not an invasion). The players are the surviving 4 members of the 6-man Recce Team R-42. They've just woken up and made contact with the local Mi'kmac indians. I'm running it on-line by eMail, and the site is . I've established that the "crash" of the Morrow Project has something to do with someone or something called "Krell" and that the main villians are Nazis in Halifax. I've been working a fair bit on the Nova Scotialist Democratic Action Party (NSDAP) but have't posted any of it on the site yet, as the PCs are freshly out of the tubes and have only heard vague rumours so far. To date, I have 4 players, 3 in the Ottawa area, and 1 in Costa Rica, with 1 more potential here in Ottawa. I'm not recruiting any more. I've been a member and a moderator at the Trek-RPG Forums - - for several years and have been running a Trek game since 1983.
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