Thread: GURPS Questions
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Old 11-03-2008, 09:40 PM
Adm.Lee Adm.Lee is online now
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Originally Posted by weswood
Please define character template.

Is it like a D&D character class, ie fighter, mage, thief, etc, where the special abilityies of one class aren't available to other classes? (except in special cases)

Or is it like T2k, where those particular set of skills is required for that proffession, but that profession isn't limited to those skills- ie, a rifleman who happens to know how to hotwire a car?
I'm no expert, but let me answer here:

Neither. There are no classes or professions at all*. You start with a pile of points, which you can put into attributes, advantages and skills. More points can be gained from taking disadvantages and quirks. Pretty much everything is wide-open.
You want a rifleman who can hotwire a car? Put the points into the appropriate skills. Buy some advantages and things to pile onto those, and other things to add 'character.'

*Now, in some settings books, there can be templates to add, like for college, or military basic training, cultural or species origin. These still have to be paid from the points pile, and consist of a package of advantages, disadvantages and skills. For instance, I have the Prime Directive book (based on Star Fleet Battles, itself based on Old Series Star Trek), where there are templates for Vulcan, Klingon, Star Fleet Academy, Marines, and so on.
For characters in T2k's setting, I would investigate the SpecOps and/or WW2 books, to see what packages there are for military specialty training.

There is (on the web, I think) a "guns, guns, guns" book that has a lot of firearms statted for GURPS.
My Twilight claim to fame: I ran "Allegheny Uprising" at Allegheny College, spring of 1988.
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