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Old 01-30-2010, 11:17 AM
weswood weswood is offline
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Originally Posted by Legbreaker View Post
I regret to report Dave 'Bones' Stoner has kicked the bucket.

It was a heroic death - he dived into the back of a burning truck to save several crates of mortar bombs (and the mortar) from blowing and showering the area and the rest of the unit with shrapnel. Unfortunately the flames had already done the damage and as he turned to toss the first crate over the side, BOOM!

It's unknown if it was the blast, shrapnel or the broken neck received on hitting the bitumen which did it - an autopsy will be carried out later.

He leaves behind virtually nobody but will still be sadly missed...
Oopsie. But that sounds like something he would do. I knew his attitude would lead to bad things.

Taking out that tank single handedly was one of best RPG events I've done.
Just because I'm on the side of angels doesn't mean I am one.
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