Thread: Iraq
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Old 02-02-2010, 08:09 PM
Abbott Shaull Abbott Shaull is offline
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It all in the details. Granted the Soviet Union break up happen after Saddam invaded Kuwait.

The tearing down of the Berlin Wall, and rapid fall of Communist governments of Eastern Europe along with the Baltic Republics and others wishing more freedom. The Soviet Union was on extreme life support. In fact Mr. Gorbachev fall from power set up the current state of the Regime that leads the Russia now...

At the point the Mr. Gorbachev knew his time was limited and also knew that even if he wanted to do something militarily, it would of pushed the movements in the outlying Republics to speed up the process of it collapse. Especially since the Pact had ceased to exist with the fall of the Berlin Wall and all their allies removed their communist parties respectfully.

In fact, the Pact alliance was only a paper alliance. The Soviets by being part of the winning alliance at the end of WWII and concession given in to them they had free hand in Eastern Europe and many of their Military Commands were indeed commanded by Marshals of the Soviet Union for many years, on into the 1970s. Those that they didn't retain control directly, there was alway Group of Forces and veil threat invasion if you didn't toe Moscow line.
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