Thread: Batteries?
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Old 03-04-2010, 08:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Legbreaker View Post
Very true. But it's the same with most tech really. Think back ten years ago and try to remember how many flat screen TVs were out there and how much they cost to buy. You basically had to have a second mortgage to afford one and even then they were big and bulky things that tended to be in for repairs more often than working.
Now you can't buy anything but flatscreens - believe me, I've tried about 2 years ago to replace a unit in a building I manage.

Who could have said that would be the market penetration even just 5-6 years ago!? All in all I think the designers did about as well as could be expected predicting the future of tech at the time. It's not like they were Futurists is it. (Yes, that is an actual profession!)
IIRC, most flatscreens, well, LCD types, were mainlt used in handheld portable TV's 10 years ago and even as early as the 1980's for that. BTW, our main TV in the house, we bought it early in 1983, it is a 1982 Zenith. It has been in daily use for 27 years and still going. I just hooked a Blu-Ray player to the old Zenith. It is kind of weird that I'm still using the same TV now as I did when I was a sophomore in high school when the "A-Team" first came on. To keep it Twilight related, I remember watching "The Day After" on it.

Slave to 1 cat.
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