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Old 03-24-2010, 10:09 PM
jester jester is offline
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Location: Equaly at home in the water, the mountains and the desert.
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I toured the Midway, and had a freind who came from her before the Desert. We also got a few guys from her after she was put down.

We must remember, she was pretty old and in sad shape when they put her to bed. The museum in my view was a let down. And like I said she wasn't in all that great shape. She also had a very long service life.

As for taking her out. A couple sleepers, maybe a team of operatives, say 4, could do ALOT of damage to her.

If I were a sleeper on her, I would do the following:

Several Thermite grenades in the various pipes and lines that run unsecured througout the ship carrying Jet Fuel and Oxygen.

I would also toss a WP into her engine compartment, the passageways to the magazines and near the fuel tanks. Remember, she was diesel powered so she also had a fuel filter, toss a WP or thermite there too.

And a WP in the Marines and Master at Arms areas.

Another target, the flight deck or the bomb elevator or topside fuel pumps. A burning plane full of fuel and bombs with a couple secondary explosions/fires near the bomb elevators or fuel areas. Figure 4 men with half a dozen such devices could surely put it out of action and with luck cripple it. The ship is not that wide. Two WPs inside could block the internal passageways which would cause a nice disruption.

Those are some things that would have worked to take down a diesel ship by a small team. Those are some of the ideas off the top of my head.
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