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Old 04-18-2010, 12:21 AM
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Webstral Webstral is offline
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Some good points about regional cuisine, et al.

Pottery was developed specifically in response to the threat rodents pose to stored grain. This is not to say that cats don't have their place. (I hear them's good eatin') However, any dry container impervious to the teeth of mice and rats should do. Keeping the bugs out is a bit more of a trick, though far from impossible.

On a different subject, jalapeno peppers have more vitamin C than oranges and more vitamin A than carrots. A diet with lots of jalapenos is a) less bland and b) a good substitute for the fruits than cannot be obtained from Yuma because the Mexicans own the orchards. I'm definitely adding jalapenos to the list for Thunder Empire. Perhaps with some chipotles thrown in, the survivors in southeastern Arizona will hardly notice that civilization is on its knees.

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