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Old 05-05-2010, 01:06 AM
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Originally Posted by waiting4something View Post
I love conspiracy stuff. I mean I think most of it is blow out of proportion, but some stuff I find very believable like the JFK assassination thing. One that seemed very crazy to me was the one where people said the U.S. government constructed 911 and actual blew up the towers with pre-layed explosives. I don't really buy that, but some do. I think Waco had more bs then we will ever know about. The bombing of the Federal building by Tim McVeigh was a shady one too. Yes, I think he did it, but the details are very brief and he was put to death (by U.S. court standards) faster then a snow ball melting in hell. They are fun to discuss. You just have know when to seperate possibilities and reason. I love em they give us something to think about.
I'll agree with you on JFK's assassination -- unfortunately we may not know the truth until the Warren Commission report is unsealed in 2014 -- and I'm willing to bet we still won't know the whole truth then. I mean, why would they have ordered the Warren Commission report sealed for 50 years if the government wasn't involved in the assassination, even if in an indirect way? They wanted to make sure everyone involved in JFK's assassination had a chance to die of old age first.

911 was an obvious terrorist attack -- the only thing our government is guilty of in 911 is negligence -- the warning signs were there in time to stop Al-Qaida.

Waco -- Koresh burned down his own damned building. It was a mass murder-suicide. The only ones I feel sorry for there are the kids.

Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols pretty much came up with that plot themselves, but they had a lot of help from others in the militia movement that have yet to be disclosed. The US has a a bigger home-grown terrorist movement than is generally acknowledged, and that problem is just growing, especially since Obama's election. There are a lot of angry racists in this country who are pissed off because a black man is in the White House, and there are a lot more people in this country who are such ideologues that they can't bring themselves to admit that the Bush Administration is responsible for most of the really big problems the US is facing right now.
War is the absence of reason. But then, life often demands unreasonable responses. - Lucian Soulban, Warhammer 40000 series, Necromunda Book 6, Fleshworks

Entirely too much T2K stuff here:

Last edited by pmulcahy11b; 05-05-2010 at 01:16 AM.
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