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Old 05-05-2010, 10:33 AM
Cpl. Kalkwarf Cpl. Kalkwarf is offline
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Originally Posted by Targan View Post
..... Ok. Its funny, if I started talking about the things that p*ss me off in Australian politics it would probably be largely ignored by most readers here as being irrelevant to them. Then again non-Americans tend to get a very poor reaction when they talk about American politics so I won't do that either.

Interesting that there is a perception that left-leaning political comments on this forum are overlooked for criticism while right-leaning ones are not. I hadn't noticed myself, but perhaps that is because I'm left-leaning
Funny how that works

Heck on other forums where its shall we say spirited even the people who are claiming to be on the right even get commented on by me. When I was young and idealistic I was on the left. Now that I am getting old and wise I am more on the right and realistic. (as the saying goes).

Thanks for letting me vent you guys are cool for lefties !

Back on topic, this oil spill is starting to look more like the Kennedy assassination all the time, i doubt we will ever know the truth. Every thing form the beginning of it was so FUBAR from the point of the BP and the Government. Heck I am wondering if they were not in it together to get the off shore drilling shut off so they could charge more for what other oil they dill (BP) and they also please the greenies and liberals (Obammas admin). Not trying to be a conspiracy nut, just a possible scenario.

I used to hang with some real nutty types, got away from them when I started to pay attention to what they were talking about. The conspiracy crowds that are out there are some of the weirdest yet..... guess its just part of the beginning of the end or something..... think about it, all the disasters, Crisis', political shenanigans, terrorism, people going crazy as in batshit doing weird stuff to them selves and others, the human atrocities in Africa, Asia, and the middle east. The Saber rattling of Governments, extremist trying to get nukes.....Wars, Famine, Pestilence...... starting to sound like maybe the bible may have been a warning. Or perhaps that it was just letting us know that history repeats itself and that this is our way of life.

Kinda like a SHTF thing that keeps repeating it self every so often in this world just to start all over again, or adapt to it.

Im just glad to be in Nebraska. (never thought you would hear anyone say that) :P Though if Yellowstone caldera goes that will suck.
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