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Old 06-01-2010, 06:33 AM
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Rainbow Six Rainbow Six is offline
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Originally Posted by Mahatatain View Post
Sorry - I was really meaning a long range recon unit operating like a modern version of the LRDG, not necessarily one that was multi national in composition.

I think it could be an interesting set up in Kenya, though most of the LRDG actually did would actually be quite dull for a RPG. "Road Watch" would be a little repetitive!
I think it's a really good concept, whether multi national or not...could be a mixture of UK, US, and Kenyan personnel, with a few others thrown in...(perhaps the majority would be Kenyan, given they would know the country best?) HorseSoldier, love the idea of having a few Rhodesians in there...add some of HQ's ex pats...(there's a few colonial stereotypes that spring to mind, but I'd imagine some of the white farmers would be a useful addition to such a group - for those who watch Ultimate Force did anyone ever see the episode set in Zimbabwe where Red Troop helped defend a farm against rebels?). You could also include a few Aussie and Kiwi troops by saying they were on an exchange posting with the UK forces...maybe a couple of US Marines who had previously been Embassy Security Guards...?

Could call it something like "The Kahawa Scouts"...?

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