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Old 11-30-2008, 07:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Tegyrius
Kato, I've been chewing this one over since this thread came to my attention last week, and I have to admit that I'm more than a little perplexed by your statement here. I kept a fairly low profile on both this board and the various T2k mailing lists because of a few vocally negative reactions to early information about the 2013 project, and because Keith (smokewolf) was handling playtester/consultant recruiting along with all other personnel matters. I know a few of our playtesters are active here, but I think it'd be obvious if you were referring to them. As far as I can recall, the only person to whom I've coldly and deliberately been an ass in my "2013 systems guy" persona was Justin Oldham on our forums, and, given the provocation he offered, I still stand by my statements in that thread. If I said something in this forum's previous incarnation that gave offense to a specific member or the general audience, please bring it to my attention.
As I said in my previous thread I don't remember all the details nor everyone who was involved. I am not a negative person and I don't hold on to negativity. I do remember arguments about DD214s??? Accusations that people were not what they claimed to be, and in general the attitude of if you don't like what we are saying screw you.

I pull away from negativity, I don't focus on it, and that was my impulse after the first contact with this board. It could have been deadline stress. It could have been a lack of understanding of the general level of respect I expected on this board. It could have been me coming into the middle of an argument. I don't know. I just know that something very early on turned me WAY off. My memory could very easily be flawed but I cannot fathom how my excitement could turn to dejection over nothing.

As far as I am concerned I consider it water under the bridge. Everyone I have dealt with recently has been more than honorable and I am looking forward to getting the book soon.

Last edited by kato13; 11-30-2008 at 08:15 PM.
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