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Old 07-19-2010, 12:56 PM
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Rainbow Six Rainbow Six is offline
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Originally Posted by Fusilier View Post
I always liked your stuff.

Any plans for Portsmouth?
Thanks, glad you like it.

With regards to Portsmouth, I have it intact, garrisoned by HMG (mainly RN personnel, plus some Royal Marines), and home to most of the Royal Navy's surviving warships (obviously less those at Plymouth). These warships include the type 42 Destroyer HMS York (now the Royal Navy's flagship), the submarine HMS Trafalgar, and a Dutch frigate (HNLMS De Ruyter) which brought the Dutch Royal Family to the UK when the French invaded, plus a few smaller ships and civilian vessels that were STUFT (Ships Taken Up From Trade, i.e. civilian vessels requisitioned by the Navy). I also have a US Aegis cruiser tied up alongside unable to go back to sea.

In a divergence from canon, I do not have Portsmouth being the national Capital however (I chose Oxford instead).

To be honest, it's unlikely that I'll get into Portsmouth in any greater detail. When I first started work on this project a few years ago my intention was to create a sourcebook which would cover the entire UK; unfortunately I have to be realistic these days and accept that work and other commitments mean I will never have enough time to do that, so at the moment I'm concentrating my efforts on works on the south west of England and (to a lesser extent) Scotland.

Author of the unofficial and strictly non canon Alternative Survivor’s Guide to the United Kingdom
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