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Old 12-01-2008, 03:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Haven

But honestly with the rolls as they were i am not sure it would have made a difference.
It really seemed like the rolls were going to make this combat they way i would have liked to have told it.
Haven, I see you mentioned that you got pretty much the results you were after, but what's your feeling for the ease of use of the Reflex System?

I understand this was play-by-post so you had a more relaxed time frame in which to work out the resolution, but how did it flow for you?

Was the basic mechanic (no. of dice to roll, rolling low, attribute as target no.) immediately intuitive, or - if not - how long did it take you to get the hang of it?

How did tick tracking (and bookkeeping) for initiative work for you?

How about the amount of die-rolling and modifiers? Burdensome or appropriate?

I ask because, since I've been involved in testing the system as it evolved, I really have no concept of the difficulty involved in learning it all fresh from scratch.

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