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Old 09-16-2010, 12:49 AM
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Legbreaker Legbreaker is offline
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Having a little time on my hands at the moment I decided to take a look through the archives and found this.

My immediate thoughts were that the Korean War of the early 50's was never actually concluded - there was basically just a ceasefire. Also this was essentially a war between North Korea/China and the United Nations.
With that in mind, I'd be most surprised if we weren't to find all types of nationalities in the area (which would explain what some feel to be minimal US troop numbers). It's quite possible in my mind that many of the neutral countries in the war in Europe are involved here - France, South Africa, Chile, Brasil, Argentina, Japan, and so on. Who knows, you might even find a Swiss unit or two floating about!
If it moves, shoot it, if not push it, if it still doesn't move, use explosives.

Nothing happens in isolation - it's called "the butterfly effect"

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