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Old 10-19-2010, 07:27 AM
Mahatatain Mahatatain is offline
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I've been considering "tweaking" the damage rules for an essentially v2.2 rules PBeM I'm running (which means that I have time to do the maths and this won't slow down game play) to make the system more dangerous and I wondered what people thought of the following two options as they are different to those outlined already in this thread.

Option 1: For each shot calculate the Margin of Success (MOS) by subtracting the dice roll from the target number (this is based on how the Twilight 2013 rules work). For example if the target number is 12 and the dice roll is 3 then the MOS equals 9 (12-3=9). When calculating the damage add the MOS to the damage dice roll, i.e. if your weapon has a damage rating of 2 then this particular shot does 2d6+9 damage. Now this system doesn't work properly with the armour penetration rules so that needs to be worked out. I'd probably also include a rule that a MOS 0 shot is an automatic scratch wound that just inflicts 1 point of damage, overriding the damage dice roll (assuming that the hit wasn't blocked entirely by armour).

Option 2: When rolling the d6 for damage allow them to "explode", i.e. if you roll a 6 then re-roll and add. For example if you hit with a weapon that has a damage rating of 2 and the 2d6 roll was a 6 and a 3 then the 6 would re-roll and add. If you then roll a 5 on the re-roll then the total damage would be 14 points. If the re-roll is also a 6 then you keep on rolling and adding.

I'm also considering applying both of these options together, though that could be too lethal!

What do people think of these options and can you pick any faults in them?

Thanks for any comments.

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