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Old 12-08-2010, 10:23 AM
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Rainbow Six Rainbow Six is offline
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Originally Posted by dude_uk View Post
Do you have any thoughts on the regular reserve? The addition of 153,000 (Of various weights and ages admittedly)men in a national emergency does change things quite a lot.
For myself, to be honest it’s not an area I’ve gone into in any great detail…I’d always thought their primary role would be to make sure that by the end of 1996 the Army was as close to full strength as it could possibly be.

I’m sure I read somewhere (I think it was on Tanknet) that in War the regular Infantry Bns would each increase by a Company to come up to their War Fighting Strength, so aI ssumed that some of the Reserve would be used to help form these extra Companies (not necessarily by forming complete Companies themselves, more likely being distributed throughout the Battalions in small groups, with so many going to each Platoon).

Perhaps some (particularly the older ones?) might be used to form additional Home Service Force Companies and / or to bolster training staff at Catterick, Warminster, etc? Also I would imagine a substantial number might go to units to replace those killed / wounded in action, particularly in the opening nine – twelve months of the War?

Granted, even taking all of the above into account that probably leaves thousands of men unaccounted for…I 'd be interested to see what everyone else thinks…
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