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Old 01-23-2011, 02:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Rainbow Six View Post
This is probably a bit out of the box, but from time to time I've thought about the possibility of XI Corps "catching a lift" with the BAOR when it returns to the UK.
I don't think that's out of the box at all.

Even if XI Corps couldn't make OPOMEGA's departure date, where do you think a couple of thousand English speakers are going to want to settle down permanently? Poland? or the U.K.? If I were HMG I sure as heck would be mulling over the possibility of recruiting all those Americans and Canadians.

Besides the language barrier, I've always wondered why US forces are always treated so hospitably by Poles in TW2000. Sure, the Sovs are brutal douche-nozzles, but the Americans sure did toss a lot of nukes around the Polish country-side. Even if there is such a thing as pro-NATO Polish Free Congress, I can't imagine their attitude towards Americans is going to be anything other than "Thanks for the Rads and for the mauling the Red Army... now f@*& off."

A. Scott Glancy, President TCCorp, dba Pagan Publishing
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