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Old 03-10-2011, 05:18 PM
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StainlessSteelCynic StainlessSteelCynic is offline
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Something that happened in a Merc: 2000 game I was in, one of the PCs was actually a combat helicopter pilot but he never told the other PCs. The mission was somewhere in Africa from memory and the pilot was actually along to check on the status of some hidden prepositioned fuel & ammo supplies. The supplies had been cached months earlier for a potential UN helicopter operation that didn't happen.

So while the other PCs were in the area to assist the rescue of refugees from the area, the pilot PC was trying to check the caches without letting anyone know what he was doing. He had to try and direct the PCs into places where the caches were and then survey the caches without anyone seeing him. Not even the other players knew this was going on until way after the game.
It was quite a challenge for the player and caused some tense moments when his PC slipped away to check a cache and then the other PCs couldn't find him and thought he'd been taken prisoner. He had to think and talk fast to keep the others from getting suspicious.
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