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Old 06-22-2011, 03:06 PM
mikeo80 mikeo80 is offline
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Default Interesting concept

Kilgs, Interesting concept. I DID read the spoilers. I would still like to participate.

I would suggest some possible thoughts. Use as you see fit.

Air Force One lifts off from Washington, DC as the plague starts. No carriers on board. As AFO orbits the country trying to control whatever is left of US Military, the Secretary of Defense brings up two things unknown to POTUS.

1) Bruce was preceded by a crash of a "recon" alien craft. The resulting study of the craft brings about "Area 51". There are still surviving scientists working to understand what the tech can and can not do.

2) Sec Def has commo access codes to TMP. Bruce was worried about possible failure of Prime Base. Hence a VERY few highly placed govt officials know what TMP is. POTUS was just sworn in few days before attack. Had not received classified reports on TMP.

Just my $0.02!

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