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Old 07-27-2011, 03:03 AM
simonmark6 simonmark6 is offline
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Freeze drying just behind the lines would be a possibility and could take two forms according to my research:

1) Home style freeze drying using domestic freezers
This is useful only for small fruits of slices of fruits and vegetables, especially apples and potatoes. The process is fairly manpower intensive and takes about a week a batch. The bonus is that if you store them in airtight boxes or bags (can be done by sucking the air out and sealing), they can last several years.

2) Larger scale freeze drying to produce LRRP style rations
To freeze dry whole meals you appear to need a proper freeze drying machine. These can be fairly small, they can be used for clinical experimentation and you can probably find ones that would fit into a mobile kitchen trailer in the following places:
Research labs
Product research if food production facilities
So it would be possible to find them although not everyone'll have them.
The process is still relatively energy intensive which would limit its use post TDM but it is doeable.

Post TDM I'd see rations being made up of:
1) Fresh food that lasts: Twice baked bread/black bread, biscuits, potatoes etc. augmented by whatever fresh food the team can forage.
2) Emergency rations: One or two days of preserved foods: hard tack, freeze dried fruits, jam etc. only to be used when ordered.
3) LRRP style rations: Only issued to high priority missions, they would be the sign that you were up against serious opposition.

I don't think you can make complete meals just using a home freezer method, there is too much water and too many variables.
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