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Old 09-04-2011, 02:25 PM
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Mohoender Mohoender is offline
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I agree with all your objections but one :"It's no longer T2K, but "the US tromps all over everything""

I'm not the one who chose to have CA139 Salem as flagship of the US fleet in the Persian Gulf. Then, as I agree with everything you say and as I consider that won't be an isolated case, I assume that more ship had been put back into service (again with v1.0, with v2.2 they had been scrapped).

About naval battle involving 40+ year old ship that might not be so much the case. You simply forget that these ships have certainly not been put back on the sea to carry their original missions. They would probably carry out transport, landing, long range coastal patrol and escort missions for the transport ships (probably led by coast guards officers and manned by civilian sailors). I don't even consider that these ships still had their original weapons.

By the way, you still had countries using ships that were 50+ years old in the early 2000's.

Last edited by Mohoender; 09-04-2011 at 02:30 PM.
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