Thread: 9/11 Footage
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Old 09-09-2011, 08:56 PM
mikeo80 mikeo80 is offline
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Originally Posted by Webstral View Post
At the risk of offending my countrymen, I feel like the media's need to capture attention to generate sales of ad time, combined with the particularly American unwillingness to look away from things that we say horrify us, is on the verge of creating a fetishistic attitude towards 9-11.
I agree. And if you look at history, you will see this pattern repeated time after time. THe Lincoln assasintation and grieving took from april 15, 1865 to May 6. Granted a lot of that time was needed for transportation, but still.

The JFK assasination and grieving took four days. The discussions still re-verberate.

Pearl Harbor attack grieving could be said to last until the end of WWII.

The American Civil War is still being discussed and re-hashed 150!! years later.

It seems that we Americans will fixate on a historical happening that is negative and dwell on it seeingly forever. I guess it the the antithisis of our normal outlook of tomorrow is a better day, or Go West Young Man, or Put a man on the moon and return him to earth safely by the end of the decade or Remember the Alamo or THe Maine....

We tend to be a forward looking, optomisitc bunch... but I guess the fanatical obcession with negative events is the price we pay.

My $0.02

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