Thread: 9/11 Footage
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Old 09-10-2011, 04:49 AM
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Originally Posted by 95th Rifleman View Post
Iraq was a different matter. Bush used his 9/11 credit card to push through a conflict against Iraq. At the time America was ready to go after any Muslim nation just to avenge 9/11.
I agree on all points. I brought it up as an example of how the world as changed since 9-11. Many people (even here in Australia) think that invading Iraq was a reasonable thing to do because Saddam Hussain was such a nasty piece of work. I agree that Saddam was a piece of sh*t but burning through 300,000 people on the way to destroying 1 man is... well, it's madness IMO. Either that or its an example of one group of people thinking of another group of people as not really being 'people'.
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